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DEPOSITIONS: Taken from witnesses in the Chancery disputes between Robert Barker v. Bonham Norton (1626-27)   •  DOWNLOAD DEPOSITIONS (PDF 756 KB)



[Fo. 18r]     [IMAGE]     [ZOOMIFY IMAGE]


5. Item doe you knowe the parties <plaintife & defendant> and William Windsor gent and the farme of Vpton nowe | in his possession? And doe you knowe of a decree in Chancery made by the Commissioners between ye | parties in this suite touching the office of the Kinges Printer; when was that decree made as you | remember, And doe you knowe that the plaintife Robert Barker did deale wth the said William § | Windsor to purchase the said farme of Vpton, yf yea, when did hee soe? did the said William | Windsor agree with him for yt, yf yea when, and how doe you knowe the same, were | you present at the making of the said agreement? where was it made, and what was § | the price agreed vpon ? did the said Mr Windsor therevpon giue earnest for yt as you § | knowe or have heard? and of whome did you heare the same and when?


6.  Item doe you knowe that the said Mr Windsor came vp to London vpon the said agreement & made | provision of moneyes to pay for the said purchase? did the same proceed or break off and if yt § | brake of, by whose default was yt, did not the said Mr Windsor and his wife tell you at his § | then returne from London that Mr Bonham Norton would not agree to the said sale, & did they | not complaine that they were ill dealt withall? And that they found by Mr Norton that hee | had noe meaning that the said farme should bee sould, or to that effect.


7.  Item was the said Mr Windsor then able in estate and Creditt to haue paid for the said purchase in | ready money to your knowledge yea or noe? and is he not generally reputed to be a verie § | honest and sufficient man? And did not the defendants daughter Sara Barker hinder the proceeding | of the foresaid bargaine <also> and declare herself to Mr Windsor that shee would not ioyne in the saide | sale, and that her father had not moved her to yt? and did shee not divers times since affirme | as much in your presence? And did you not alwaies find the said Robert Barker very vrgent & | forward to sell the said farme towards the redemption of his office.


8.  Item doe you knowe or haue you heard, that the said Bonham Norton was in hand in latter | time to sell the said farme for some other purpose & not towards payment for the office? what | haue you heard herein & of whome : And haue you not also heard that Mr Barker | was willinge to ioyne in that sale also, so as the monie might goe in paymente | towards the office according to former articles & agreements.


9.  Item did not the said Mr Barker vpon the said first agreement wth Mr Windsor intreat | you to tell Mr Phillip Gerrard thereof yf yea when? & did you soe accordingly, did Mr | Gerrard speak any thing to you then about the interest of twenty per Cente mencõned | in the decree? yf yea, what were his words to you remembrance, and did hee nott § | confesse to you that yt was never the Commissionrs meaninge to chardge Mr Barker wth any such | interest, but that they did mencõn yt in the decree to vrge him to doe his endeavour to | further the sale of Vpton or to that effect.


10.  Item did not the said Mr Gerrard confesse in yor presence at Redding Terme that Mr Norton had bene wth him, & | had agreed to referre this cause to him alone being of his Councell to determye, & did hee not move Mr | Barker to doe the like did not Mr Barker consent thereto, did not Mr Gerrard therevpon drawe vp a note for | the submission of the cause to himselfe? cause his Clarke to write yt out, procure Mr Barker to sign it & promise |to

                                                                                                                        (verte [verso]

                                                                                                Daniel Hills




[Fo. 18v]     [IMAGE]     [ZOOMIFY IMAGE]


to haue Mr Nortons hand to yt, and affirme that Mr Norton had promised to doe | the same? Did not Mr Gerrard therevpon assigne a daie and place about the end of that terme to heare and determine the cause. Did not Mr Gerrard & Mr Barker | meete; and did not Mr Gerrard then declare that Mr Norton would not | performe his promise after the terme was done; or to that effect? And are not | you one of Mr Nortons Tenants.


                                                                        Daniel Hills.





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