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DEPOSITIONS: Taken from witnesses in the Chancery disputes between Robert Barker v. Bonham Norton (1626-27)   •  DOWNLOAD DEPOSITIONS (PDF 756 KB)



[Fo. 15r]     [IMAGE]     [ZOOMIFY IMAGE]


11.  Item are not you partner with the defendant Norton in the office of Kinges printer and how long haue you soe bene | who kept the books of accompts of the workes printed, receipts & payments of the said office, for the space of fiue yeares last past, | or the greatest parte thereof, and did not Thomas Harper keep the same for parte of that tyme, & how longe & who ells.


12.  Item are not the vsuall impressions of the bookes belonging to the said office to bee printed either <7000> 6000, 5000, 4000, | 3000 <3500. 2000> or 1500, and what paper by the Reame hath bene vsually deliuered & set out, for euery of the foresaid impressions, | respectiuely, and what hath bene, & is, yor vsuall & comon course herein, dureing the yeares aforesaid.


13.  Item hath not the wayes to the Compositors & pressemen in the said office for the tyme aforesaid bene <for the most parte> certaine and | constant for the parrticuler works, wherein they haue bene imployed, and is it not comonly & constantly knowne in the office | among the workemen by the wages <& the booke in hand> what worke is, & must bee done for the same, and by that work and wages, wch of the | impressions before mencõned is or are then in working, & by that rule and by the entry of wages in the booke, is it not to | bee playnlye knowne thereby neare about what tyme the impressions is begun & ended, and is there any other way to find out | what impressions of books & works haue beene printed in the said office, in the tyme aforesaid, but by those books of the payment of wages | yea or noe, if yea, then what is that ?ways.


14.  Item did not you & the defendant Mr Norton purchase the latine stock, of the companie of Stationers, or some of them, If yea when, at what | price, by what conveyance, or assurance, & who made the same, & were not you and hee to pay 5000li for the same in books belonging to the | office of Kinges printer, yea or noe, if noe, what were you to paie in such boookes, & when & were not those books to bee deliuered in payment at the | vsuall rates & prices of retaile, & what books or to what value haue you & Mr Norton alreadye soe deliuered, in parte of payment of the | said purchase, and how much of the price is alreadye paid, and haue you paid anything in ready money, or otherwise therin books | as aforesaid was not Mr Henry ffeatherston stationer, in treaty for the said stock before you bought it, and what was hee to paie for it, | in money or otherwise & how, & when, as you knowe or haue <credibly> heard or verely beleeue.


15.  Item did not you in or about the yeare 1618, send and giue vpp to the plaintife an accompt of moneys paid for him to his Creditors, by Mr | Norton & yorselfe, out of moneys then payable to the plaintife & is not the wryting of that accompt now shewed you beginning vizt To Sr Wm Craven for vse in December last 0075li-0-0 and superscribed to the plainitifedated this the eighteenth of Aprill 1618, and | subscribed John Bill, all of your owne handwriting, & subscribed by yorselfe, and was not the plaintife to bee discharged of those moneyes | that you so accompted for to him, yea or noe, if noe why not?


16.  Item were you priuie to, or accquainted with the match, contract, or agreement, betweene the plaintife & defendant touching the marriage | porcõn of Sara Norton, now the wife of Christopher Barker, and was not the defendant for his parte, to giue 1800li porcõn with her, and did | not Mrs Norton the defendants wife, promise and agree that she or the defendant should or would giue 200li more wth her, in marriage to the said Christopher, and who was priuie there vnto also beside yor selfe.


17.  Item did you knowe John Hodgetts late of London Stationer deceased, was hee not Chasheer & agent diuers yeares, for Mr | Bonham Norton, doe you knowe the hand wryting of the said John Hodgetts, & had hee not in his custodye at his decease, certaine | accompts bound vpp in parchment, of diuers receipts & payments for Mr Norton, & is there not an entry therein, of the some of 300li, receaued | by the said Hodgetts for Mr Nortons accompt of Mr Alderman Harvye, & of the payment thereof, if yea how was it entered there to bee | paid, & is not 21li-17s-4d thereof entered to bee paid to the defendant and is not that some of 21li-17s-4d brought to the defendants receipts in | the said Hodgetts accompt booke, and is not that accompt booke allowed by the defendant & doe you thinke in yor conscerne, that those seuerall | enteryes are of the said Hodgetts hand wryting, yea or noe, if yea why doe you soe think & is not the writinge now shewed you at yor | examinacõn a true coppy of those entries.


18.  Item doe you know Phillip Gerrard of Grayes Inne esqr, is not hee of councell with the defendant Mr Norton, and were you presente at | any conferrence at any tyme, betweene the said Mr Gerrard & any other, touching the businesse betweene Mr Barker & Mr Norton | partyes to his suite, if yea, when & where, & what was the effect & substance of that conference, & what speeches did the said | Mr Gerrard vse therein, & to whom, what are the particulers & truth of the same, and doe you well remember the same.


19.  Item what moneys and rents of Hallowford haue you at any tyme paide to Mr Bonham Norton, or to any other for | his vse or debt, & when and to whom, and wherefore did you soe paie the same.


20.  Item are not you a workman imployed vnder Mr Norton & Mr Bill in the office of Kinges printer | if yea in what place & how long haue you been a servant or workman in the said office and doe | you know that the vsage & Course of the said office for the space of fiue yeares last past or vpwards | hath bene such as is mencõned in the seuerall payments expressed in the wryting now showed you & is the same true in those payments yea or noe if noe wherein dothe the course of the office differre or vary | from the same in those points or any of them.

                                                            Daniel Hills

                                                            Nth. Weston




[Fo. 15v]     [IMAGE]     [ZOOMIFY IMAGE]


Mr Bill 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Mr Blomley 17. 18.

Mr Sharpe 19.


Richard Jackson     }

William Bates         }  20

Nathan Pierce         }





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