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DEPOSITIONS: Taken from witnesses in the Chancery disputes between Robert Barker v. Bonham Norton (1626-27)   •  DOWNLOAD DEPOSITIONS (PDF 756 KB)



[Fo.  12r]     [IMAGE]     [ZOOMIFY IMAGE]


Interrogatories to be ministered for the examinacõn of witnesses | on the behalfe of Robert Barker Esq plaintife against Bonham Norton Esquier defendant.


1.  Imprimis do you knowe the said parties and the office of the Kings mats Printer and howe | longe haue you knowne the said parties and office and haue you bene at any tyme ymployed in | the said office, or in or aboute the manadging or execucõn thereof, or any parte thereof if yea | by whom weare you imployed therein and in what particuler place and sorte, and howe longe | haue you held & excersised that ymployement and place.


2.  Item doe you knowe that that moyety or parte of the said office which was in question | between the parties to this suite was heretofore sequestered by his Mats court of Chancery | out of the defendants hands unto the hands of certaine Stationers if yea, how longe did it | remaine in sequestracõn, and for what cause was that sequestracõn graunted and when | was the same dissolueded, who entered vpon the execucõn thereof when the sequestrators gaue it vp did the defendant then take an accompt of the stock of the office or if he did not why | did he not, and what stock had the office in bookes paper and debts to yor knowledge at that tyme.


3.  Item doe you knowe of a decree which was framed by Sr Euble Thelwall Mr Phillip | Gerrard & Thomas Jones Esqr. Commissionrs and ratified by the high Cort of Chancery in this | cause and concerning the aforesaid moiety of the said office haue you seene and weare the | same when was the same made and is there not a clause therein to this effect viz that the | foresaid moyety of the said office should be executed or managed by two persons whereof | one to be nominated by the plaintife and the other by the defendant to see that the best profitt might be made of the said office, for the more speedy satisffacõn of the defendant, of the 8000li | awarded him by that decree in liewe of the said office, who was the person nominated, | by the plaintife and what did the defendant nominate to manage the said office accordingly | were not the moneys arrising by the said office, to be kept in a chest, and halfe yearely accompts to be made thereof between the persons nominated by the said parties | vntill the said defendant should be satissfied the said 8000li or to the like effect.


4.  Item was the said office managed & executed by the said two persons according to | the said decree or not, and weare the halfe yearly accompts, kept & yielded vp and | perfected as the decree directed yea or noe, did not the plaintifes accomptant tender his redines | presence and assistence in seeing to the managing of the said office and did not the | defendant print & sell & trust out what he pleased without allowance of the plaintife or his accomptant.


5.  Item whoe kept the bookes and accompts & stock of the said office vnder the said | defendant and Mr Bill and to whome did they comitt the care & charge of the same | euer since the said decree, and of the managing and execucõn of the said office | who bought and sould the wares and comodities of and for both parties of the office | in that tyme whoe made duty of the workes and receipts & proffitts of the said office, and who receaued the moneys during that tyme, that, came in on the | receipts and proffits of the office and whoe gaue the credit to them that bought bookes | without ready money out of the said office.


6.  Item was there one certayne receiuer and booke keeper for that parte of the office, wch | the defendant holdeth and one certayne setter appointed <by> the defendant, yea or noe, who was | that person, if noe whoe else receiued or entered any moneys made any debts, or sould or | yssued out any wares of the office at any tyme since the said decree.


7.  Item whether or not by the oath you haue taken weere all the somes of money debts | proffitts and receipts of the said office or of the foresaid moiety thereof that from tyme | to tyme came in or were made, paid or receiued at any tyme since the said decree duly | and iustly booked and entered in the bookes of receipt & payement of the office vsed to that | end and howe doe you knowe the same.


8.  Item did you or any other person or persons by yor direccõn or with yor priuaty consent | or knowledge or otherwise receiue any debt or debts some or somes of money | due to the said office or to the accompt thereof at any tyme since the said decree | that were not entered  & booked truly and iustly in the vsuall & comon accompt bookes | of the office, yea or noe, if yea who receaued the same and when what became of | those moneyes and to what and whose vse were they converted and did any person | but yorselfe vse to booke enter & rerceive the same if yea who else did soe & by what | warrant, and doe you knowe or haue yow heard or doe you perceiue that any moneys | yt were receaued for any bookes debts or other things due to the said | office since the said decree were duly booked as aforesaid vntill Christmas last past.


9.  Item weare all the bookes & printed workes of the office <or> of the aforesaid ?paid | thereof that were printed in the said office or sold giuen lent taken trusted yssued | or deliuered out of the said office during the tyme aforesaid viz since the making of | the said decree duly entered and booked <in> if the vsuall bookes of the office yea or noe | if yea when where & by whome if noe by whose default & meanes and for what respect | were the same not entered in the vsuall bookes and doe you knowe that any such bookes | workes or wares were not so entered in all that tyme or any vse thereof yea or noe.


10.  Item what stock in bookes paper and debts hath the foresaid office at the tyme | this <yor> examinacõn as you estimate in whose custody & vnder whose charge as the same | kept and howe much of the stock or bookes of the office hath beene trusted out & vpon credit | and what debts hath beene made to the office since the said decree & by whome & howe doe yow | rate & value the present stock in the office, and howe much is the office nowe indebted.


11.  Item hath any of the bookes workes or stock of the said office bene sold vpon credit | trusted out since the said decree to any person or persons that were then indebted to the office.


Daniel Hills     Nath. Weston


[Fo. 12v]     [IMAGE]     [ZOOMIFY IMAGE]


24.  Item in what perticulers hath the office beene mismanaged and the §§§ | accompts disorderly kept since the said decree, and of what nature sold and value to | be sold for ready money was the foresaid moiety of the stock of the office in bookes | the 18th of June last as you knowe or conceaue, And what did the stock of the same | moyety in bookes and debts at the tyme of the sequestracõn amount vnto.


Daniel Hills





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