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Contents Page > Chancery Petition: John Bill v. Bonham Norton [1621] - (1) John Bill's Petition

C3/334/73   [IMAGE]




(1) John Bill’s petition



To the Right Honble & Right Reuerend ffather in God John Lord Bp of Lincolne

Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England


1.  In a Humble maner Complayninge, showeth vnto your good Lop, your Lops dayly Orator John Bill Citizen and Stacõner of London, That whereas in the yeare of our Lord God 1603 Bonham Norton of London Esquier, John Norton Citizen and Stacõner of London & your said suppliant became Copartners |

2.  & Ioynt traders together in the art or trade of a Stacõner or Bookseller & in buying and bringing of bookes maps and other Stacõnary wares & merchandizes, in & from ffrance Germany & other parts beyond the seas into England, and in selling the same againe & in printinge of diuers bookes here in Englande |

3.  and beyond the seas, ffor the better managinge of which Ioynt trade there was a Ioint stocke raysed vpon the first entring into the said Copartnership wch did consist only of bookes, ffor all wch bookes by Agreement betwixt the said Bonham NortonJohn Norton and your said suppliant then made [word illegible] |

4.  said to be paid or answered out of the said Ioynt stocke vnto them the said Bonham Norton& John Norton 4400li in Eleuen yeeres next ensuing the entringe into the said Copartnership, The same to be paid by 200li euery half yeere, equally to be diuided betwixt The said Bonham Norton & John Norton |

5.  [word illegible] which bookes (being priced by the said Bonham Norton & John Norton at the said some of 4,400li [)] were notwithstandinge those dayes of payment giuen for the same as aforesaid very much ouervalued, And at the time of the enteringe into the the said Copartnershippe, It was further agreed vpon by and betwixt the said |

6.  Bonham Norton  John Norton and your said suppliant That the said 4,400li being so paid out of the said Ioynt stocke & tradinge as aforesaid, The residue of the stocke which should then remayne wth the increase and proceede thereof should be equally diuided betwixt the said Bonham Norton John Norton [word illegible] |

7.  and suppliant,  After wch Copartnershipso entred into, they the said Bonham Norton John Norton & your saide suppliant did accordingly trade together As Copartners vntill the moneth of Nouember 1612, At or about which time, the John Norton (hauing made the said Bonham Norton the sole executor of his |

8.  last will & testament) departed out of the mortall life during the time of which said Copartnership, there was paid out of the said Ioint stocke & the increase thereof according to the said Agreement euery halfe yeere 200li to the said Bonham Norton & John Norton Which said halfe yeerly payments |

9.  in all amount vnto 3600li, And during all the time of the said Copartnership ye said supliant went twice every yeere at the least vnto divers parts beyond the seas, as namely into ffraunce Germany Spaine Italy and diuers other places to furnish the said Ioynt trade wth bookes maps & other Stacõnary merchandizes, In wch Iurneyes the |

10.  said supliant oftentimes hazarded his life, & by yr said supliants well & profitable managing of the said trade, both beyond ye seas & heere in England, duringe the life time of the said John Norton; the saide Ioynt stocke was so much aduanced yt a little before ye saide John Nortons death, It was agreed vpon betweene the said Bonham Norton John Norton & ye said supliant, That ye executors |

11.  or Administrators of any one of the said Copartners wch should first dye, should be paid by ye suruiuing Copartners 3000li out of the said Ioint stocke wthin 4 yeeres next after the death of any of the said Copartners wch shuld so first dye as aforesaid, The same to be paid by 375li euery half yeere in full satisfaccõn of all such right title Interest and demande which |

12.  the executors or Administrators of ye said deceased could in Lawe or Equity Clayme out of the said Ioint stocke, Vpon the death of which said John Norton the said whole Ioint stocke came by survivorship, & by the said last Agreement, vnto ye said Bonham Norton & to your said supliant wch together wth the encrease & proceede thereof was and ought to be equall |

13.  diuided betwixt ye said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant, And from & after the said John Nortons death, ye said Bonham Norton & your said supliant, continued Copartners in the said trade vntill the 9th of July 1619, And out of the said Ioint stocke there was paid vnto ye said Bonham Norton after ye death of  ye said John Norton as well the said ?600li |

14.  beinge residue of the said 4400li As also the said 3000li wch was by vertue of the said Agreement, alotted to be the share of the said John Nortons executor: at the dayes in that behalf before mencõned for ye payment of the said seuerall somes, And for fiue yeeres next after ye death of ye said John Norton, ye said supliant wholely execute yt trade & by yr supliants [word illegible] |

15.  meanes, labor Industry & Endeauours, ye said Ioynt stocke did duringe ye said fiue yeeres space so much encrease, That at sundry times from the 14th day of ffebruary 1614 vntill the 27th of July 1617 there were paid out of the said Ioynt stocke ouer & besides ye said 3800li diuers somes of money amounting in the whole vnto 4970li or thereabout vnto the said |

16.  Bonham Norton & to diuers other persons for his the said Bonham Nortons particuler vse & behoofe, Besides diuers other somes of money paid out of the said Ioynt stocke for ye Bonham Nortons particuler since ye said 27th of July 1617 & before the 9th of July 1619 And ye orator further sheweth vnto ye good Lop, That from & after the said 27 of July |

17.  1617 & vntill about ye 9th of July 1619, The said Bonham Norton (hauing taken into his posseson the bookes of Accounts touchinge ye said trade & therby knowing what the said stocke was woorth better then ye said suppliant, & perceiuing that ye trading in ye buying & selling of bookes began then very much to decay) did many times vse yr said supliant in most Contemptible & |

18.  vnsufferable maner, threatening, yt he would turne ye said supliant out of ye house wherein he then dwelt, & take away from ye said suppliant all the Estate he had pretending yt ye said supliant owed him many thousands of pounds vpon accoun wch being examined: proued to be false, Wch ill vsage ye said Bonham Norton offered to yr said suppliant of purpose as the |

19.  sequel shewed to ye intent to make ye said supliant weary & vnwillinge to contynue ye said Ioynt Copartnerahipany longer, wth him ye said Bonham Norton. And in hope, therby to drawe ye said suplicant (ye rather for the procuring of his peace & quiet[)] to buy of him ye said Bonham Norton, his the said Bonham Nortons moyty in ye said Ioynt stocke at such prices |

20.  as he the said Bonham Norton would demand for the same , ffor accordingly the said Bonham Norton, did in or about March 1618 persuade ye said supliant to buy of him his said moytye, wch ye said supliant at first refused, offering to sell to the said Bonham Norton his moytye, alleadginge that it was more fitting that the said Bonham Norton should |

21.  buy ye said supliants moyty then ye said supliant should buy his, for many respects amongst others for yt ye said Bonham Norton had diuers sonnes who might manage the trade after him, whereas ye said supliant had not any children, The said Bonham Norton hauing received this answeare from ye said suppliant, did notwthstanding persist in his former [word illegible] |

22.  to drawe yr said suppliant to buy his ye said Bonham Nortons moytye, and for ye better effecting therof he the said Bonham Norton did practise wth one Humphrey Dyson of London Scriuenor (in whom ye said Bonham Norton well knewe ye supliant did repose a great confidence) That he ye said Dyson would persuade ye said supliant to buy the said Bonham Nortons |

23.  moyty in the said stocke at the price hereafter in that behalf mencõned, & the rather to draw the said Dyson therevnto, the said Bonham Norton did promise to give him ye said Dyson a large Reward vpon ye conclusion of the said  bargaine, Wherevpon the said Dyson did vndertake to doe the same and accordingly by & vpon yt Combinacõn betweene the said Bonham |

24.  Norton and the said Dyson, he ye said Dyson vsed many persuasions vnto ye said supliant to buy ye said Bonham Nortons moyty, at the price hereafter mencõned telling ye said suppliant amongst other motiues, That it was of a farre greater value then in trueth it was & yt ye said supliant should get a great deale of money by it & by yt meanes |

25.  should liue in peace wthout further molestacõn from ye said Bonham Norton or words to ye effect, Vpon whose persuasions yr said supliant (being ignorant of the true value of ye said stocke, by reason yt ye bookes of Accounts were in ye Custody of the said Bonham Norton & by him deteyned as aforsaide) was drawn to treate wth ye said Bonham Norton  |

26.  about the buying of his parte or moytye, who demanded of ye said supliant for the same, That ye supliant should discharge him the said Bonham Norton of 5700li principall debts & of the vse thereof wch came to 570li or thereabouts for wch principall debts & vse, the said Bonham Norton & ye said supliant did then stand ioyntly engaged  vnto |

27.  divers persons  for there Ioynt debts. And yt ye said supliant should release or discharge the said Bonham Norton of 490li wch he the said Bonham Norton did owe vnto ye said supliant, And yt ye said supliant should likewise pay to him yt said Bonham Norton 5000li in fiue yeeres then next ensuinge, The same to be paid by 500li at euery half yeeres |

28.  [word illegible] & the rather to induce ye said supliant to accept of the said offer, the said Bonham Norton did tell ye said supliant & confidently affirme & promise to ye said supliant that ye said stocke (consisting at yt time of bookes bound &  in quiers heere in England of diuers debts owing to ye said stocke, of a share or porcõn, wch ye said Bonham Norton & |

29.  [hole] yr said supliant had in a Ioynt stocke of bookes & printing beyond the seas in Copartnership, together wth diuers strangers borne, dwelling in ffranckford & other places, & of certaine leases of the house & shop wherein yr said supliant then dwelt, & of a tenement & two shoppes on the bankside of the said house ) was well worth 18000li or  |

30.  thereabouts Which offer yr suppliant did at first vtterly refuse, telling the said Norton yt he should haue yr the said supliants moyty in the same stocke for a farre lesser price & vpon farre longer dayes of payment of the whole summe, But the said Bonham Norton & Dyson persisting in their said persuasions, yr said supliant desired of ye said Bonham Norton yt he might acquire |

31.  some others therwth & haue their aduise thervpon, whervnto the said Bonham Norton would by no meanes condestend, Affirming yt he would haue none to meddle or haue anything to do in or about the driuing or setting downe of the said bargaine but only ye said Dyson, wherwth at length yr said supliant was contented in regard of the |

32.  [2 words illegible] he held of ye said Dyson, & of ye trust & Confidence he respected in him, no way suspecting yt he would haue bin any meanes to wronge or ouerreach yr said suppliant, And after many meetings & Conferences in that behalfe made, your said suplicant relying vpon the protestacõns of the said Dyson & vpon ye faithfull promises of ye said Bonham Norton |

33.  that ye said stocke was worth 18000li , & yt ye debts then owing to the said stocke would prooue to be good (wthout entring into ye examinacõn of the trueth of ye particulars whether the stocke was so much woorth as it was affirmed & as ye said Bonham Norton required for the moyty or no) did agree wth the said Bonham Norton vpon ye 9 day of July  1619 |

 34.  & buy of him his moyty in the said stocke, at ye said price, wch he ye said Bonham Norton demanded for ye same as is before menconed; Wch bargaine being so concluded: vpon ye said premises so made & vpon ye said confidence & trust, your said supliant desired that the same might be set downe in writinge But ye said Bonham Norton knowing yt in [word illegible] & vppon  |

35.  examinacõn of the particulars It would manifestly appeare yt he had exceedingly & vnconscionably ouerreached and oppressed yr said supliant, wth yt bargaine, in causing him to pay many thousands of poundes more then it was woorth, Would by no meanes have it entirely & fully set downe in writinge, but would have yt part of the said Bonham Nortons |

36.  [word illegible] that yr supliant was to discharge him ye said Bonham Norton of the said 5700li principall debts wth ye vse therof & of the said 490li to be concealed & not set downe, in wriying, And to yt end caused the said Dyson wthout ye priuity of yr said orator & wthout any direccõn from him, but by directions & Instructions only from ye said Bonham Norton |

37.  to drawe an Indenture of Couenants betweene him ye said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant bearing date the 9th of July 1619 purtporting in effect, yt ye said Copartnership betweene the said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant determined vpon ye 14th of March 1618, & yt ye said Bonham Nortons moyty in ye said stocke amounted to 5000li & yt ye said Bonham Norton did assign ouer [word illegible] |

38.  make to yr said supliant wth a promise that the same should not extend to the office of his matyes printer amongst other things. Wch said Indenture of Couenants was enterchangeably sealed & deliuered by ye said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant, ye said supliant sealing & deliuering the said Indenture neither aduising nor <considering> hereof but he did in wryting [word illegible] |

39.  vpon the said faithful promises so made by ye said Bonham Norton vnto yr said supliant, & vpon ye said confidence & trust, yt said stocke was of ye value aforsaid, ye said promises being then reiterated  & confirmed by ye said Bonham Norton vnto yr said supliant, & ye said stocke the remayning in diuers parts of ye Xtian world, yr orator was inforced to rest & rely [2 words illegible] |

40.  ?promise for yt he could not in a long time discouer the truth of the value therof, And for ye payment of ye said 5000li vnto ye said word illegible Bonham Norton by yr said supliant, the said Dyson by the said Bonham Nortons direccõn did drawe ten seuerall writings or billes obligatory bearing all dates the said 9th of July 1619, By euery of wch [word illegible] |

41.  writings or billes obligatory, It was mencõned that ye supliant stood bound vnto ye saidBonham Norton in 1000li, The 1t of them being on Condicõn for the payment of 500li the first of May <Nouember> 1619, The 2d on Condicõn for the paymt of 500li the first of May 1620, The 3d for the paymt of 500li 1 of Nouember 1620 The [conjectural: 4t ] |

42.  for the payment of 500li of 1 of May 1621 The 5th for ye payment of 500li 1 of Nouember 1621, The 6th for ye payment 500li 1 of May 1622 The 7th for ye payment of 500li 1 of Nouember 1622, The 8th for the payment of 500li 1 of May 1623, The 9th for ye payment of 500li 1 of Nouember 1623. And ye 10th vpon the like condicõn for ye payment of 500li |

43.  vpon the first day of May 1624, wch <said> ten seuerall writings or billes obligatory, yor said supliant vpon ye said promises so made by ye said Bonham Norton vnto yr said supliant as aforsaid, & vpon the said Confidence & trust did seale & deliuer vnto ye said Bonham Norton vpon the said 9th day of July 1619 After wch bargaine ?so ?made |

44.  [word illegible] thereof so set downe  in writing as aforesaid, ye said supliant did discharge the said Bonham Norton of the said 5700li principall debts & of ye vse thereof by paying the said debts & the vse thereof, & did likewise discharge him of the said 490li, & hath since paid vnto ye said Bonham Norton 1500li vpon the [2 words illegible] |

45.  [word illegible] ?388li besides But yor said Orator finds howe intolerably he was ouerreached & oppressed in the said bargaine hath forborne to make any further payments, for so it is, if it may please yor Lop, that for the space of one yeere & a half or thereabouts after the said bargaine so made as aforsaid, yr said supliant [word illegible] |

46.  managed yt trade & stocke, wch formerly was in copartnership betweene ye said Bonham Norton & yor said supliant as aforsaid, during all wch time, he could not get in & receiue so much money by the sale of bookes or other stacõnary wares out of the said stocke & of diuers other bookes wch he brought from beyond the seas |

47.  [2 words illegible] bargaine to furnish & Continue the said stocke & of those who were indepted vnto yor said supliant for bookes or other stacõnery wares at any time before belonging to the said stocke as would discharge 2 of the first said payments vpon ye 2 first bonds so made as aforsaid, Wch one, who §§§ [word illegible] therevpon his |

48.  moneyes §§ ye supliant receiued during ye said space of one yeere & a half considering & weighing wth himself, did, (being thervnto moued in Conscience as ye supliant conceiues) acquaint ye said Bonham Norton therwth, telling him ye said Bonham Norton, yt yor said suppliant was so much ouerreached or oppressed [conjectural: by] |

49.  ?ye ?said bargaine, yt he could by no meanes performe the same, or vsed words to that Effect. Wherto the said Bonham Norton §§§§ would not §§ make any answeare, more then this wch he hath often since affirmed that it was a bargaine & yt it was nothing to him what yr Orator lost by it |

50.  [2 words illegible] yr supliant perceauing that he was not able to keepe the said stocke in his owne handes or to manage the said trade, did in or about the moneth of December 1620 offer to sell vnto the Company of the Stacõners of London the said Leases and the residue of the said whole stocke |

51. [1 word illegible] bookes wch yor supliant had then bound: some English bookes in quires ye debts wch were owing to the said stocke & ye said parte or share wch yor said supliant had in the said Ioint stocke, of the said bookes and printing wth ye said outlandish Stacõners only foreprised & excepted But the said Company of Stacõners & yor said supliant [3 words illegible] |

52.  [2 words illegible] price, yr supliant demanded for the same bookes, wch he offered to sell to ye said Company as aforesaid, The said differences by consent of all parties were first heard before ye nowe most Reuerend father in God ye Ld Archbishop of Canterbury, After wch hearing ye composing therof & setting downe, Aswell of an Equall indifferent price for the same |

53.  wares bookes & maps belonging to the said stocke, wch ye said supliant offered to sell to ye said Company as aforsaid, As also of ye dayes of payment of ye somes of money: at wch ye said Leases bookes & maps should be valued & priced, Was by the mutual consent of the company & of ye said supliant referred vnto foure of ye Company of ye said Stacõners [2 words illegible] |

54.  [2 words illegible] by the said Company & ye other two by yor said supliant. Who after they had seene the said house tenements & shops & all the said bookes heere in England & ye catalogue of ye bookes wch were beyond ye Seas, & ye said maps so offered to be sold by your said supliant to ye said  Company as aforsd & had deliberately & duely considered of ye value therof did vpon |

55.  [3 words illegible] 1620 order arbitrate & set downe yt ye said company should pay vnto yor said supliant for ye said Leases 616li 13s 4d & for the said bookes & maps 3804li. 18s.  6d. in maner following, yt is to say 1000li vpon yor said supliants deliuery of such of ye said bookes vnto ye said Company as yr said supliant had in England 216li 13s 4d vpon yor said supliant assigning |

56.  [2 word illegible] Leases vnto ye said Company 200li at 4 monethes next after ye assigning of ye said leases, 200li at ye end of 8 monethes next assigning of ye said leases, and the residue of the said 4421li 11 10d in 6 yeeres next ensuing ye deliuery of yor said supliants bookes then remanying in England 6 & 6 monethes to be equally diuided into 12 |

57.  [2 words illegible] to be paid half yeerely The first payment therof to begin ye next 6 monethes next ensuing the deliuery of ye said bookes & of ye Catalogue of the said bookes beyond the seas, Wth wch order & arbitracõn so made as aforsaid  ?Aswell ye said Company of Stacõners as yor said supliants were well contented acknowledging ye same to be equally |

58.  [2 words illegible] & made & set downe by yr said Arbitrators Although yr said supliant relying vpon ye promises in yt behalf made vnto him by ye said Bonham Norton did beeleeue before ye said viewe and apraisment made by ye said Arbitrators, of ye said bookes & maps wch yor saidsupliant  sold to the said Company, Yt ye said bookes & maps would have conteyned farre more Reames |

59.  [conjectural: than they were] found to contayne & yor said supliant should haue receiued <after> 10s the Reame at ye least for ye said bookes & maps, wheras ye said Arbitrators valued them but at viiis the Reame, & the same to be paid at ye said longe dayes of payment, yor said supliant finding himself deceiued touching the quantity of ye Reames of ye said bookes & of the value thereof  |

60.  [3 words illegible] strickt examinacõn, what ye residue of ye said stocke wch was in Copartnership betweene the said Bonham Norton & yor said supliant , at ye time of ye said Bargaine & sale so made by ye said Bonham Norton vnto yr said supliant as aforsaid, & excepted in yor orators sale to ye Company was truly woorth, And after a long & laboriouse search in that behalf |

61.  [?yor said] supliant found yt all ye debts owing or belonging to the said stocke at yt time when ye said Bonham Norton sold his moyty of the said stocke vnto yr said supliant as aforesaid, & at the time when the said sale, by relacõn & retrospect was to take effect, acording to ye said Indenture of Couenants, did amount in ye whole but to 534li or thereabouts of wch ?duly |

62.  [2 words illegible] supliant hath done his vtmost endeauor to recouer & get in ye same, & hath bin at a great deale of labor & expence in ye attempting therof, yet he hath not bin able from the time of the said sale so made by ye said Bonham Norton vnto yr said supliant as aforsaid to retreiue or recouer of the said debts aboue 1200li And yor said supliant [word illegible] ?sealed |

63.  [2 words illegible] ye said debts will proue to be vtterly desperate, as for ye bookes wch were bound & ye English bookes in quiers, wch  were belonging to the said stocke at the time of the said sale, so made by the said Bonham Norton as to yor said supliant as aforsaid, they were not woorth to be sold for ready money aboue 1000li & as for ye said sale made to the said |

 64.  [2 words illegible]  law to yor said supliant had in ye Ioint stocke wth ye said outlandish Stacõners at ye time when the said Bonham Norton made ye said sale vnto yor  said supliant as aforsaid, yor said supliant cannot haue ye same (although he hath done his vtmost endeuor to get so much for ye same as he could) so much money as since ye said sale made to the said |

65.  [2 words illegible] hath paid out, in furnishing & supplying the said stocke, so remayning in copartnership and Ioint trading betweene yor said supliant and ye said Stacõners so barne & dwelling beyond ye seas as aforsaid, So yt whereas ye said whole stocke, wch was in copartnership betweene ye said Bonham Norton & ye said supliant, at ye time of ye said sale so made by ye said |

66.  [2 words illegible] yr said supliant as aforesaid should haue bin in all equity & good conscience truly woorth 17250li, In regard ye said Bonham Norton demandeth of yr supliant, 8625li for his moyty thereof as aforsaid Of wch said some of 8625li yor said supliant hath since ye 9th day of July 1619 paid vnto  ye said Bonham Norton and to diuerse others |

67.  [3 words illegible] Bonham Nortons proper debt, 5513li as aforsaid. Your said supliant can make it manifestly apeare to yr good Lop, That ye said moyty of ye said stocke at ye time of ye said sale so made to yr said orator was not woorth aboue 3600li, & yt he yr said Bonham Norton hath by ye said bargaine so ouer reached and oppressed yor said supliant, That he the |

68.  [ 3 words illegible] And since ye said 9th day of July 1619 hath had & goeth about to haue of yr said supliant 5000li at least for his moyty in the said stocke more then his moyty in ye said stocke was truly woorth, at ye vtmost to be sold at the time of the said sale so made by ye said Bonham Norton to yr said supliant as aforesaid, And yor said Orator further sheweth vnto ye [word illegible] |

69.  [3 words illegible] the late Queene Elizabeth of most famous memory, by her lettres patents vnder ye great seale of England bearing date 8th day of August in ye 31th yeere of her maties Raigne, did grant vnto Robert Barker of London Esqr, by ye name of her welbeloued subiect Robert Barker sonne of Christopher Barker of London printer The |

70.  [3 words illegible] printers, of all and singuler statutes bookes Acts of parliament proclamacõns bibles Iniunctions & newe testaments whatsoeuer in yeEnglish tongue of any translacõn wth notes or wthout notes at any time before imprinted, or at any time from thence forth by ye Comandment or Authority of ye said late Queene her [word illegible] |

71.  [3 words illegible] printed; As also of all other bookes whatsoeuer wch ye said late Queene had commanded or for the time to come her said highnes or her successors should command to be vsed in the churches of this kingdome of England, Ordayning ye said Robert Barker her said highnes printer of all or singuler the premisses To haue & enioy [word illegible] |

72.  [2 words illegible] profits thereto belonging to ye said Robert Barker & his Assignes ?priuatly after ye death of ye saidChristopher Barker, for and during ye naturall life of ye said Robert Barker wth an yeerly fee or annuity of 6.li 13.s 4.d during the naturall life of the said Robert Barker for ye executing of ye said place, After wch grant so made by ye said late Queene Elizabeth ye said Christopher Barker |

73.  [3 words illegble] departed out of this mortall life, By whose death & by vertue ye said grant, ye said Robert Barker being seised of the said office did by his deed bearing date ye last of ffebruary 1614 for diuers great somes of money paid vnto him ye said Robert Barker by the said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant assigne & set ouer vnto one Christopher Barker sonne of ye said Robert Barker & to ye |

74.  [word illegible] Bonham Norton & yor said supliant and their assignes the said office for & during the naturall life of him ye said   Robert Barker excepting only ye said anuall fee of 6.li 13.s 4.d, ffrom & after wch assignment so made they ye said Bonham Norton Christopher Barker & yr said supliant did execute ye said office as Copartners vntil ye 20th of Nouember 1617 or thereabouts, And there being no stocke of bookes belonging |

75.  [4 words illegible] the said Assignment, The said Bonham Norton & ye said supliant did wthin a short space after ye said assignment, rayse a stocke of bookes apointing ye same to belong to ye said Office. And wheras also the <Kings> most excellent matye yt nowe is by his lettres patents vnder ye great seale of England bearinge date 10th of May in ye first yeere of his Mats Rainge of England |

76.  [4 words illegible] ye 36th  after recitall therein made of ye said grante of ye said office by the said late Queene vnto the said Robert Barker did grante vnto ye said Christopher Barker ye sonne of ye  said word illegible Robert, ye said office of his mats printer, To haue & enioy ye said office to ye said Christopher & his Assignes immediately after ye death of ye saidRobert Barker his father |

77.  [4 words illegible] of ye said Christopher Granting further vnto ye said Christopher ye priueledge & faculty of printing all & all manner of Abridgments of all & singuler statutes and Acts of parliament, before yt time made or from in thence forth to be made or set forth, wth ye like annuall fee vnto ye said Christopher during his naturall life for ye executing of the said office, And wheras |

78. [conjectural: the Kings most excellent] Matie that now is, by his letters patents vnder ye great seale of England bearing date ye 11th of ffebruarie in ye 14th of his mts raigne ouer England ffrance & Ireland & of Scotland ye fiftieth, After recitall therein likewise made of ye said grants, to ye said Robert Barker & Christopher Barker did grant vnto Robert Barker ye some of  ?10 |

79.  [2 words illegible] every & to his Assignes the said office, To haue & to hold the said office to ye said Robert Barker the sonne & his Assignes immediately after ye death, surrender or forfeiture, of both the said Robert Barker the father, & of the said Christopher Barker, for thirty yeeres then next ensuing Granting further to ye said Robert Barker the sonne & to his Assignes during ye said |

80.  [5 words illegible] & priuiledge of printing the said Abridgments wth the like annual fee during the said terme for executing the said office, After wch lettres patents so granted vnto ye said Christopher Barker & Robert Barker, sonnes of ye said Robert Barker as aforsaid, They ye said Robert Barker ye father & ye said Christopher Barker & Robert Barker ye sonnes did by their deed bearing date |

81.  [2 words illegible] for diuerse great somes of money paid vnto them by ye said Bonham Norton & yor said supliant, grante assigne & conuey vnto the said Bonham Norton & to yor said supliant & their assignes, all & singuler their Ioynt & seuerall estates rights Interests & demands whatsoeuer of in & to ye said office & after the promises amongst diuers other things, ffrom & after wch assignment so made |

82.  [4 words illegible] the said Christopher Barker & Robert Barker his sones vnto ye said Bonham Norton & yor said supliant The said Bonham Norton & yor said supliant [word illegible] and yet do continue copartners or Ioint traders together in ye said office &  stocke therto belonging And wheras ye said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant for ye payment of great somes of money for ye estates |

83.  [ 3 words illegible] and his sonnes as aforsaid, & for ye making and continuing of a stocke of bookes to be belonging to ye said office of his mats printer were enforced to borrowe diuers great somes of money, & ye same to become Iointly bound vnto seuerall persons (the said last mencõned ioynt debts being nowe of ye ioynt debts before mencõned to be discharged by ye said suppliant |

84.  [2 words illegible] bargaine made by the said Bonham Norton to ye said orator as aforsaid:), It was agreed vpon betwixt ye said Bonham Norton & yor said supliant, yt all such somes of money wch the said Bonham Norton, and ye said supliant had borrowed or should borrowe to pay yt wch they had vndertaken or were to pay for ye said office, or for ye raysinge or continuing |

85.  [4 words illegible] belonging to the said office, should be satisfied & paid out of the said office and stocke, And yt the said Bonham Nortons moyty of the said office and stocke should be lyable to ye one moyty of the said debts, & yor said supliant moyty should be lyable to the other, And whereas of late there being some differences betwixt the said Bonham Norton |

86.  [2 words illegible] amongst the things concerning the said Ioynt debts wch the said Bonham Norton & yr said supliant did owe It was found vpon longe & deliberat examinacõn therof yt ye said debts by them so owing did amount to 4600li principall money besides the vse thereof, wch indeed was for so much money wch they had borrowed towards ye payment of |

87.  [2 words illegible] towards ye raysing & continuing of ye said stocke belonging to the said office and is none of the Ioynt debts before mencõned to be discharged by yr said suppliant. The moyty of wch said some of 4600li & of ye vse therof ye said Bonham Norton hath at diuers times since the first of August last, faithfully promised yor supliant yt he would pay, And |

88.  [2 words illegible] ?moyety in the said office stocke should be lyable thervnto, Wch euer since ye said 20th of Nouember 1617 hath bin & yet is woorth some thousands of pounds more then the moyty of the said <Ioint> debt of 4600li amounteth vnto, And yor said orator further sheweth vnto yr good Lop, yt yor said supliant at ye request of the said Bonham Norton & for ye [word illegible] |

89.  [2 words illegible] of the said Bonham Norton standeth also bound together wth ye said Bonham Norton vnto diuerse persons for the payment of 8000li or therabouts principall debt, Concerning wch said principall debt of 8000li or therabouts (there being of late likewise some difference betwixt ye said Bonham Norton & ye supliant the ye said Bonham Norton |

90.  [word illegible] yt ye said supliant stood engaged  wth him the said Bonham Norton for the some of 7000li or therabouts principall money being his the said Bonham Nortons particuler sole <&> proper debt, And at diuers times both before & since the first of August last he ye said Bonham Norton did faithfully promise yor supliant & diuers friends of his |

91.  [2 words illegible] wch ye said Bonham Norton in that behalf) that he ye said Bonham Norton would discharge yr said supliant, of all his the said Bonham Nortons particuler debts for wch yor said supliant stands, Ioyntly bound wth him as aforsaid, And yt for yor said supliants securitie in yt behalf, in the meane time & vntill yor said supliant was so  discharged |

92.  [2 words illegible] hath not any counter bond & from ye said Bonham Norton to saue him harmeles from ye said debts wherin he stands obliged to <2 words illegible> ye said Bonham Norton as aforesd) That he ye said Norton would engage such a quantity of his lands vnto yor supliant as should be of sufficient value to discharge his ye said Bonham Nortons particuler debts or  demandes assignments |

93.  of  his ye said Bonham Nortons moyty in the said office & stocke Nowe so it is, may it please your good Lop That notwthstanding ye said Bonham Norton hath by ye Industry & meanes of yor said supliant allready received out of yt Ioynt stocke or trade, wch at first was in Copartnership betweene the said Bonham Norton John Norton & yor said supliant as aforsaid [word illegible] |

94.  [4 words illegible] ouer & besides ye said some of 4400li at wch ye said stocke as at first valued as aforsaid wthout taking any paynes or doing anything in the managing of the said trade, for the good of ye said Ioynt Stocke, but only from time to time, looking after his owne priuate benefit & drawing out from ye said Ioint stocke so much  [word illegible] |

95.  [2 words illegible] leauing almost nothing to ye said supliants share but some desperate debts, And not wthstanding ye said Bonham Norton knowes in his own conscience, Yt his moity in ye said Ioynt stocke was not worth so much by 5000li or therabouts as he requires and would exact for ye same of yor supliant, & yt he hath bin told by diuers of ye better sort [2 words illegible] |

96.  [2 words illegible] Thereof ye said Bonham Norton is [word illegible] yyor said supliant was by the said sale ouerreached & oppressed & although ye said Bonham Norton knoweth all the Residue of ye premises to be true, & yt yor supliant hath often desired ye said Bonham Norton yt he would make vnto yr supliant some reasonable abatemment vpon yt extreame hard bargaine answearable to him |

97.  [3 words illegble]  the value therof as aforsaid & yt he would discharge yor supliant from ye said particuler debts of ye said Bonham Norton for wch yor said supliant stands bounde wth him as aforsaid & from ye moyty of ye said 4600li & of the vse therof or els giue yor supliant security acording to his promise in yt behalf made, And notwthstanding yor said supliant hath oftetimes offered vnto |

98.  [2 words illegible]  security to discharge him the said Bonham Norton of the moyty of ye said 4600li & of ye vse therof wch yr supliant is to pay In case ye said Bonham Norton would discharge yor supliant of his ye said Bonham Nortons particuler debts & of the other moyty of the said 4600li & of the vse therof, or giue security for the same as aforsaid him ye said Bonham Norton |

99.  [word illegible] & to ruinate your said supliant doth not only threaten to sewe yr said supliant for 4000li wch he pretends to be owing vnto him by yor said supliant vpon fower of the said writings or billes obligatory so sealed and deliuered vpon the said premises so made & vpon the said confidence & trust as aforesaid, & [5 words illegible] |

100.  [word illegible] vnto him 1500 more vpon the last writings or billes obligatory, But also hath made secret & fraudulent conueyances of his said moyty in the said office and stocke vnto diuers persons vnknowne to your supliant & hath estated his Lands uppon his §§§ & children or others to §§§ their vse [word illegible] ?security [word illegible] |

101.  [3 words illegible] [(]being by many thousands of pounds more woorth then all his the said Bonham Nortons debts do amount vnto) to the <intent> to charge and lay all the said debts vpon yor said orator to his Ruyne and ouerthrowe contrary to all right equity & conscience, In tends ?consideracõn & commiseracõn [4 words illegible] |

102.  [3 words illegible] hath [word illegible] by the strickt Course of the Comon Law, in regards the said premises so made by ye said Bonham Norton to yr said suplicant as aforsaid were made in priuate & fewe witnesses therat, but such wherof some are dead & ye rest beyond the seas in places unknown to ye  [conjectural: said supliant] |

103.  [2 words illegible] Bonham Norton & Humphrey Dyson being called to this hoble court to answeare vpon their oathes will confess all or the most of ye matters before laid to their charge to be true That yor good Lop would be pleased to [3 words illegible] his Mats most gracious writt of sub pena [3 words illegible] |

104.  [3 words illegible] concerning them & either of them at a Certaine day or vpon a Certaine paine therin to be limited personally to appeare before yor good Lop in his mats high court of Chancery then [word illegible] & ?sever the premises, & that yt ye said Bonham Norton set forth in particuler what bargaine or contract he made [2 words illegible] |

105.   [4 words illegible] moyty in the said stocke wch at first was in copartnership betwixt the said Bonham Norton John Norton & yor supliant & after ye said John Nortons death betweene ye said Bonham Norton and ye said suppliant as aforsaid & what he esteemed & affirmed to yor said supliant ye value of ye said whole stock to be at ye time [6 words illegible] |

106.  [4  words illegible] said Bonham Nortons moyty in the said stocke at the time of the said sale was truely woorth & what promises he made vnto yor said supliant vpon ye said sale [word illegible] the value of the said stock and of his moyety ?thereof and what somes of money haue bin paid to him or to other [2  words illegible]  out of ye said stocke  |

107.  [6 words illegible] said supliant hath paid since ye 9th of July 1619 vnto the said Bonham Norton or vnto others for the vse & of what debts he hath discharged the said Bonham Norton [2 words illegible] the sale so made the 9th July 1619 & what somes of money & to whom yor supliant stands bound [6 words illegible] |

108.  [6 words illegible]  particuler debt & whether there was any more of the said bargaine & sale so made by ?him to yor supliant as aforesaid set downe in wryting [word illegible] ?before in that behalf mencõned. And what [3 words illegible] he ye said Bonham Norton hath made & to whom ?of is made [4 words illegible] |

109.   [4 words illegible] ye said Bonham Nortons particuler debt, & for the said [word illegible] & ye vse thereof or since the time he made ye vse thereof or since the time he made ye said promise to giue the said security to yor said supliant as aforesaid & whether he made not ye said ?conveyances to ye [word illegible] charge yor supliant wth ye said debts [words illegible] him of yt security promised [3 words illegible] yt ye said Bonham Norton & Humphrey Dyson saide to & abide such ?orders  |

110.  [5 words illegible] hoble wisdome shall seeme to stand & be most agreable wth reason equity & good conscience, And yor said supliant will euer pray for yor Lops longe life & ?hapines |









This Chancery Petition is undated.  For the evidence for my dating see Maria Wakely, ‘Printing and Double-Dealing in Jacobean England: Robert Barker, John Bill, and Bonham Norton’, The Library, June 2007.




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