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Contents Page > Chancery Petition: John Bill v. Bonham Norton [1621] - (4) Humphrey Dyson's Answer To John Bill's Petition

C3/334/73   [IMAGE]




(4)  Humphrey Dyson’s Answer To John Bill’s Petition


The severall Answer of Humphrey Dyson of the defendants to the Bill

of Complaynt of John Bill Citizen & Stationer of London Complainant


1.  The said Defendant by protestacõn not confessing or ackowledging any thing in the said Bill of Complaynt conteyned to |

2. be true in such sort manner & forme As in the same Bill the same is set forth & alleadged such That the said Bill of all |

3.  Complaint being drawne to an needlesse length of aboute fower score sheets of paper is (as this Defendant taketh it) |

4.  contryved and exhibited against this Defendant of malice and sett purpose to vexe & trouble this Defendant and to putt him |

5.  to vnnecessary & opressiue charges & expenses in the lawe rather then for any good cause or iust ground if suits |

6.  the matters therein laid to the Charge of this Defendant being (as this Defendant conceaveth) very frivolus  and idle |

7.  and conteyned in three or foure sheets of paper and being (as this Defendant taketh it) such as the Complainant |

8.  cannot haue any Releefe for the same in this Court or elswhere if the same were true in such sorte as the said |

9.  in the said Bill sett forth and alleadged Neverthelesse this Defendant (saying vnto himself nowe & att all tymes |

10.  hereafter all advantages & benefitt of excepcõn to the vncerteinties & insufficiences of the said Bill of Complaynt) |

11.  ffor answere vnto so much therof as materially concerneth him this Defendant and for the satisffaccõn of this | 

12.  honorable Cort in that behalfe Answereth and saith That true it is that the said Complainant about the tyme |

13.  in the Bill mencõned did contract and buy of the other Defendant Bonham Norton the Moyetie of the Stock |

14.  & other things in the Bill specified att the rates and price in the same Bill expressed so farre as this Defendant |

15.  remembreth And that this Defendant being by his profession a publique Notary was ymployed by the said |

16.  Bonham Norton & by the said Complainant in the drawing & setting downe of the wrytings concerning the |

17.  same Contract and agreement But this Defendant denyeth that the said Bonham Norton practised wth this |

18.  Defendant that this Defendant should perswade the said Complainant to buy <the said Bonham Nortons moyetie in> the said Stock Or that to drawe this |

19.  Defendant therevnto the said Bonham Norton did promise to giue this Defendant a large Rewarde or any |

20.  rewarde at all vpon the Conclusion of the said Bargayne As in the said Bill of Complaynt is vntruely |

21.  surmised And this Defendant likewise denyeth That he vsed many perswasions vnto the said Complainant to |

22.  buy the said Bonham Nortons Moyetie Or that he tould the Complainant that it was of a farre greater |

23.  value then in truthe it was & that the Complainant should gett a great deale of money by it As in the said |

24.  Bill is likewise vntruely surmised Howbeit this Defendant saith & confesseth That whilest the said Bargayne |

25.  was in makeing the said Bonham Norton affirmed that the said Complainant (being trusted by him to manage the |

26.  sole Trade & stock in Copartnershipp betweene them) had much wronged and deceaved the said Bonham Norton |

27.  both in Accompts & otherwise And therevpon this Defendant thincketh it to be true that he did say vnto the said |

28.  Complainants that the said Complainant knewe what he bought & that Mr Norton knewe not what he sould and |

29.  that the said Complainant (if he bought Mr Nortons Moytie) should liue in peace wthout further molestacõn from |

30.  the said Norton whoe otherwise (as he seemed to the Defendant) was mynded to question the said Complainant |

31.  for wronging & deceaving him as aforesaid But this Defendant denyeth that he vsed any other perswasions to the said |

32.  Complaynant for his buying of the said Nortons Moytie to this Defendants best remembrance Or that the said |

33.  Complainant vpon anie perswasions of this Defendant was drawne to treate wth the said Bonham Norton |

34.  about the buying of his said Moyetie Or that the said Bonham Norton vpon conclusion of the Bargayne Or |

35.  at any other tyme gaue this Defendant any Rewarde for the perswadeing or drawing of the Complainant therevnto |

36.  as in the said Bill is sclanderouslie & vntruely alleadged But this Defendant saith That the said Complainant |

37. seemed to this Defendant  to be verry desirous to buy the said Bonham Nortons Moytie in the said Stock and |

38.  needed not any perswasions therevnto either from the said Bonham Norton or from this Defendant or from any |

39.  others And so earnest & desirous was the said Complainant to doe the same feeling as this Defendant conceiveth the |

40.  guiltines of his owne conscience and fearing that his fraudulent & deceitfull dealings in the said Copartnershipp |

41.  should he discovered, that he ymportuned this Defendant to perswade the said Bonham Norton to sell his Moytie therein |

42.  vnto the said Complainant And promised this Defendant fforty pounds to effect the same And albeit this Defendant vsed his vttmost |

43.  endeavors therein & that accordingly the said Bonham Norton did sell his said Moyetie to the said Complainant yet this Defendant could |

44.  not gett the said fforty pounds or any part thereof of the said Complainant And that when this Defendant demaunded the same |

45.  fforty pounds of the Complainant he the said Complainant both denyed the said promise & also the performance thereof because he this Defendant |

46.  had no witnes whereby to recover the same And this Defendant denyeth that he was any meanes to wrong or |

47.  overreache the said Complainant Or that this Defendant did drawe the Indenture of Covenants in the Bill mencõned wthout |

48.  direccõns from the said Complainant As in the said Bill of Complaint is likewise scandelously and vntruly alleadged ffor this |

49.  Defendant saith that the said Bonham Norton & the Complainant did both of them togeather & at one time & in the Complainants then dwelling house |

50.  agree vpon the bargaine & gaue this Defendant direccõns & instruccõns to drawe the same & the said Complainant (as this Defendant remembereth) |

51.  had the draught thereof diverse daies to advise & consider of before it was ingrossed & this said Defendant thinking that the whole bargaine |

52.  and agreement betweene the said parties was expressed in the same Indenture Neverthelesse yf such part thereof (as |

53.  [hole/conjectural: in the] said Bill is alleadged) was concealed & not sett downe in the same this Defendant conceiveth that the same tended |

54.  [hole/conjectural: to the] [b]enefitt & aduantage of the said Complainant & not to his wronge or preiudice And this Defendant confesseth that he in his |

55.  [hole/3 word missing] by his direccõns made such like wrytings or Bills Obligatory as in the said Bill is set forth & alleadged wthout |

56.  [hole/ word missing] [t]hat anie other matter or thing in the said Bill of complaynt conteyned materiall or effectual in the lawe to be |

57.  [hole/word missing] [---]ed vnto by this Defendant & not herein or hereby sufficientlie answered vnto confessed & avoided traversed or denied is true All |

58.  [hole/word missing] matters and things this Defendant will averre & proue as this honorable Court shall award And humblie prayeth |

59.  [hole/word missing] hence dismissed wth his Costes & Charges in this behalfe wrongfully susteyned.



?Tho: ?Jon








This Chancery Petition is undated.  For the evidence for my dating see Maria Wakely, ‘Printing and Double-Dealing in Jacobean England: Robert Barker, John Bill, and Bonham Norton’, The Library, June 2007.




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