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Contents Page > Chancery Petition: John Bill v. Bonham Norton - (1) John Bill's Petition - (no reply from Bonham Norton has been found)

C5/592/24   [IMAGE]




(1) John Bill’s petition (no reply from Bonham Norton has been found) [Endorsed] 26th November, 1619


The Right Honorable Frauncis Lord Verulam

Lord Chauncellor of England.


1.  Humbly Complayning, Sheweth to yor Honoble good Lop, yor Lops dayly Orator John Bill Cittizen & Stationer of London, That whereas for diuerse yeares last past Bonham Norton cittizen & stationer of London And yor said Suppliant as Copartners vsed, traded & dealt together [large hole] buying bringing |

2.  & feching of diuerse bookes, mapps, papers or other Stationery Marchandizes & wares, in, out, & from diuers partes beyond the seas into this Realme of England, & in the selling & vttering of ye said bookes & other ye said Marchandizes & stationary wares againe, as also <in> the Science [large hole] bookes [large hole] ye seas during |

3.  wch tyme of  ye said Corts [word illegible]  yor Lops said petitioner did offen tymes goe beyond ye Seas vnto France the Low Countries Germany and other more remote places, to buy bookes, & other ye said Stationery wares to & for the vse, benefitt & advantage of ye said Copartnership, in wch said iourneyes [large hole] such peticon [hole] aduise, Coun[hole]  |

4.  sell & other good [2 words illegible] in ye managing of ye said Trade, the said Bonham Norton during ye Copartnership hath receaved some thousands of pounds of lawfull money of England out of ye increase of ye said ioynt stock ouer & besides his ye said Bonham Nortons purported [large hole] Queen Elizabeth of famous |

5.  [7 words illegible, conjectural: did some yeares since by her letters Patent vnder] ye greate Seale of England grant vnto Robert Barker now of Dochet in ye county of Bukingham esquier ye Office of Printer vnto her Highnes her heires and sucessors of all & singular Statute bookes, Acts of Parliament , proclamacõns, Iniunctions, Bibles, & New Testaments whatsoeuer in ye English tongue [large hole] wthout notes then before imprinted |

6.  [4 words illegible] printed by ye commandement & authority of ye said late Queene her heires & successors, & also of all & singular other bookes whatsoeuer, wch ye said late Queene her heires & successors for ye service of God in ye Churches of this Realme of England either had commanded to be vsed, or from thenceforth shou[ld] command to be [large hole] |

7.  what name [2 words illegible] the same then were named or called or from thenceforth should be named, called or deemed wch then were imprinted or from thenceforth should be put in print by ye authority of ye Parliament of ye said late Queene, either in ye english tounge, or in ye english tounge mixed wth any other tongue whatsoeuer amongst other things for & during yor naturall life |

8.  ye said Robert Barker as in & by the said lettres Pattentes ye same doth & may more plainely & at large appeare, And whereas also ye Kinges most excellent Maiestie yt now is, did some yeares since by his lettres Pattentes vnder ye greate seale of England (after his Matie had in ye said lettres Patentes recited ye former grante made by the said late Queene of ye said Office [large hole] |

9.  vnto Christofer Barker sonne of ye said Robert Barker, the Office of Printer to his Matie his heires & successors of all & euery ye premisses, for & during his ye said Christophers naturall life, after ye death of the said Robert his father, as in & by ye said last recited lettres Pattents it also doth & may amongst other thinges more plai[nely] [large hole] |

10.  seised of ye said Office for terme of his life as aforesaid, and ye said Christopher Barker likewise hauing a graunte from his Matie of the said Office during his life after his fathers death as is before mencõned, the said Robert Barker having before married ye said Christofer Barker his sonne, to ye daughter of ye said Bonham Norton [large hole] |

11.  his Maties raigne ouer England ffrance & Ireland & in the 48th yeare of his Highnesses raigne ouer Scotland for 5000li of lawfull money of England paid him by yor said Suppliant, & the said Bonham Norton assigne & sett ouer vnto ye said Bonham Norton, Christofer Barker, & yor said Suppliant, the said Office amongst other [large hole] |

12.  ssoe granted vnto him in & by ye said lettres patentes as in & by ye said deede more plainely & fully it doth & may appeare, Vpon wch said Assignement so made, ye said Bonham Norton , Χρofer Barker & yor said Supliant entred into Copartnership touching ye said Office & ye managing & ye executing thereof  & each of them is [large hole] sume of 4000 [hole] |

13.  said Copartnership & in ye ordering & executing of ye said trade to ye best aduantage & good of ye said Copartnership amongst other thinges, as in & by certaine Indentures of Couenantes in yt behalf made it likewise doth & may more plainely & at large appeare, and for ye performance of ye said couentes, yor said Suppliant & ye said Bonham Norton & Xrofer [hole] |

14.  lawfull money of England, and ye said Χρofer was also bound to yor said Suppliant & ye said Bonham Norton in a bill obligatory of ye like summe, & so condicõned as ye former made to him as aforesaid, wch Copartnership touching ye said office for some space afterwards endured betwixt yor said suppliant, & ye said Bonham Norton & Χ[ρofer] [large hole] |

15.  where ye said Office of ye printing & ye bookes & other goodes belonging to ye said office of his Mates Printer, were kept & during all yt time ye bookes & other thinges belonging to ye said office, & ye monyes wch were from time to time receaued by reason of said office & ye bookes therby printed, & ye accountes from time to time concerning ysaid [large hole] |

16.  ye said Χρofer Barker keeping ye key of one of ye said lock so that nothing could be done by yor suppliant concerning ye goods & monyes in ye said roomes, or touching ye office, wthout ye priuity & consent of ye Χρofer & of ye said Bonham Norton, And yor said suppliant during all ye said time did direct for ye best benefitt of ye said ioynt [large hole] |

17.  he was therto required did weekely make in ye presence of ye said Χρofer Barker or of some deputed for him and in ye presence of ye said Bonham Norton or of some for him, iust & true Accountes of all matters concerning ye said office & ye said Copartnership wch notwthstanding yor suppliant was oftentimes wthout any iust cause so calumniated & [large hole] |

18.  said Copartnership of ye said Χρofer Barker, And at length yor said petitioner vnderstanding yt ye said Robert Barker & Χρofer Barker & one Robert Barker ye sonne of ye said Robert Barker (to whom ye King most excellent Matie that now is had by his lettres patents vnder ye greate seale of England (after his highnes had therein recited ye former grauntes [large hole] |

19.  Robert Barker ye father & of ye Χρofer) would sell their present & future estate in ye said office amongst other thinges concerning ye same, treated wth ye said Bonham Norton, demanding of him whether he would ioyne wth yor suppliant in buying of ye said Barkers estates, whereunto ye said Bonham Norton condescended promising yor petitioner [large hole] |

20.  moytie thereof & all ye said Barkers estates in ye said office, And because ye said Bonham Norton was allyed vnto ye said Barkers by marriage as aforesaid, ye Bonham Norton for most part treated wth ye said Robert Barker, & his said sonnes about ye buying of their said estate in ye said office And after diuers conferences betweene them had [large hole] |

21.  & his said sonnes about ye said office, & that ye said Robert Barker & his said two sonnes were contented in consideracõn of 6500li of lawfull money of England to be paid vnto ye Robert Barker ye father & his assignes & of discharge of a debt of 200li owing by ye said Robert Barker ye father to yor said suppliant & of ye discharge of a debt of 200li [large hole] |

22.   sell vnto ye said Bonham Norton, & yor said suppliant, and their assignes, all ye present & future estate of them ye said Robert Barker, Χρofer Barker & Robert Barker of in & to ye said office, & all thinges thereunto belonging, And also his ye said Χρofer Barkers purpartie in ye said ioynt stock touching ye said office as aforesaid wth generall releases [large hole] |

23.  vnto ye said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant but ye said Bonham Norton at yt time told yor said suppliant, that he would by no meanes condescend yt yor suppliant should be ioynted wth him therin vnles yor suppliant first by writing would  couenant & graunt to him ye said Bonham Norton that in case yor said suppliant dyed wthout yssue male lawfully begotten ye said Norton and his [large hole] ½

24.  to him & to yor said suppliant for 2000li to be paid vnto yor suppliants executors or administrators at seuerall paymentes wthin 3. yeares after yor suppliants  death, & then ye said Bonham Norton promised that if yor suppliant would yeeld thereunto, yor suppliant should haue cleere & an absolute moytie in ye said office wth him ye said Bonham Norton, & be no further mol[ested & trou]bled wth ye said [large hole] |

25.  suppliant & ye said Barkers or any of them And that whereas formerly ye said Bonham Norton had diuers times in his fury reviled yor suppliant wth termes vnbefitting he ye said Bonham Norton confessed that from thence forth he would vse no more evell language or misdemeaner to yor suppliant vnto wch proposition of ye said Bonham Nortons touching ye said Couenant to petiti[oner] [large hole] |  

26.  concienable [word illegible] seeing yor suppliant was to pay half ye money for ye said office, & because yor suppliant [7  words illegible] <hath not had, by his now wife, (vnto whom he hath bene married many yeares) any children, nor is like to haue any by her:> & for yt yor suppliant might dye wthin short time, & because ye said office was then, & for some yeares then to come would be little worth by reason that ye said Robert Barker whilst he executed ye said office had very much [large hole] |

27.  Dyson a scriuener  whom yor suppliant much respected & trusted, to vse perswasions to yor petitioner to yeeld thereunto, And thereupon ye said Humfry Dyson had diuers conferences wth yor said suppliant about it, wishing yor petitioner to make ye said couenant saying then & at diuers times since yt ye said couenant would not be nor was good & in ye lawe [large hole] |

28.   made by ye said Bonham Norton before mencõned & vpon trust & consideracõn yye  said Bonham Norton would performe ye same ye suppliant did make, seale, & deliuered a deede of Couenant to ye said Bonham Norton to ye purpose aforemencõned And likewise ye said Bonham Norton promised both before and at ye tyme of ye sealing & deliuering of  ye said deede writ  vnto ye said [large hole] |   

29.  [3 words illegible] deeds to any person  or persons whatsoeuer & that none but he & ye said Dyson should know therof least ye same should be a dispute & hinder ye copatacõner of yor said suppliant who by reason of his many ymployments wch & great trading then had office not hath occassion to borrow great  summes of money of  others wch [large hole] |

30.  did wthout any consideracõn given vnto him in that behalf ye said Bonham Norton make, seale & deliuer ye said deed of Couenants <and vppon those terms also wth the former & vppon trust & confidence that the said Bonham Norton would performe the same according to his promise yor suppliant deliuered the said deede <[3 words illegible]> And yor said suppliant further sheweth that ye said Bonham Norton having thus obteyned his desire from yor said suppliant did conclude wth the said Robert Barker & his said sonnes for their estates in ye said office & [large hole] |

31.  aforesaid consideracõns before mencõned & [word illegible] <afterwards> ye said Robert Barker Χρofer Barker & Robert Barker by their deede vnder their hands & seales bearing date ye 20th day of Nouember in ye yeere of or Lord god 1617 in consideracõn of 2500li of lawfull money of England then paid vnto ye said Robert Barker by ye said Bonham Norton [large hole] |

32.   ye said Robert Barker ye father by ye Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant wthin ye space of one yeere then next & immediately ensuing and in consideracõn of ye discharge of ye said 200li  & debtt owing by ye said Robert Barker ye father to yor said suppliant and of ye discharge of ye 200li debtt owing by ye said Χρofer to ye said stock according to [large hole] |

33.  Barkers & ye said Bonham Norton, & yor suppliant did give, grant, bargaine, sell, assigne & sett ouer vnto ye said Bonham Norton  & yor said suppliant & their assignes all  their said present & future estates, titles, interests & demands of, in, & to ye said office And likewise ye said Χρofer by ye said deede for diuers good consideracõns did grant to ye said Bonham Norton & ye said suppliant [3 words illegible] |  

34.  &  demandes of in & to ye said ioynt stock touching ye said office, & likewise by ye said deede ye said Robert Barker, Χρofer Barker & Robert Barker did for diuers good consideracõns ioyntly & seuerally remise, release & quit claime vnto ye said Bonham  Norton & yor said suppliant all and all manner of actions, debtts, accounts & demands whatsoeuer  wch they or either of them had against Bonham Norton |

35.  & yor said suppliant or either of them for or concerning any matter or thing whatsoeuer from ye beginning of ye world vnto ye day of ye date of ye said deede, as in & by ye said deede amongst other things doth & may more largely & more plainely appear wch said summe of 4000li <was> after ye date of ye said last mentioned deede acording to the dayes of payment [2 words illegible] truely paid |

36.  to ye said Robert Barker ye father & his assignes yor said suppliant paying ye one moytie of ye said 6500li, & ye said Bonham Norton ye other, And ye said Χρofer Barker at that time <when the said assignement was made> did deliuer vp to be cancelled vnto ye said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant that deed indented of  Copartnership touching ye said office & ye bond thereupon wch ye Bonham Norton & yor said [4 words illegible] |

37.  Χρofer Barker as aforesaid, and ye said Robert, Χρofer, & Robert Barker sealed & deliuered vnto ye said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant a bill obligatory of 5000li of lawfull mony of England for ye performance of ye graunts & convenants mencõned in their said last Assignment wch said bonds ye said Bonham Norton promised vnto yor said suppliant safely to keepe and yor petitioner [3 words illegible] |

38.  that when ye said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant first contracted wth ye said Robert Barker ye father concerning ye first sale of ye said office wch was in ye yeare of or lord god 1614, ye said Bonham Norton intreated yor said suppliant that he yor suppliant would become bound  together wth him ye said Bonham Norton & ye said Robert Barker ye father vnto divers persons [2 words illegible] |

39.  ye said Bonham Norton promising vnto yor said suppliant that he ye said Bonham Norton would from thence forth from time to time discharge, aquite and save harmless yor said suppliant from all such bonds & bills obligatory whatoseuer wherin yor said suppliant together wth ye Bonham Norton & ye said Robert Barker ye father did either then  stand bound from [3 words illegible]  |

40.  bound & obliged to any person or persons whatsoeuer And ye said Bonham Norton did at that time by his writing vnder his hand acknowledge that those debtts wherein ye said Robert Barker was ioyned wth him, the said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant were none of yor said suppliants debtts, & that yor said suppliant should not be charged wth any such debtts [2 words illegible] |

41.  by ye said Bonham Norton to yor said suppliant yor said suppliant at ye request of ye said Bonham Norton became bound together wth ye said Bonham Norton, & ye said Robert Barker ye father in a bill obligatory of 2000li of lawfull money of England vnto one Mr Banckworth of London wch condicõn for  ye payment  of 1100li of like lawfull money at a day [4 words illegible] |

42.  was ?presented into as aforesaid for 1000li lent by ye said Mr Banckworth, wch money by ye appointment of ye said Bonham Norton was deliuered vnto ye said Robert Barker ye father & as ye said Robert Barker affirmeth ye said 1000li was in part of payment of 2000li wch ye said Bonham Norton was to giue vnto ye said Robert Barker for his ye said Bonham Norton[s] [2 words illegible] |

43.  portion in marrying wth  ye said Χρofer Barker, wch said summe of 1000li before some moneys due for ye forbearance of ye said 1000li since ye same was first lent, is yet due & vnpaid to ye said Mr Banckworth, And yor said suppliant vpon ye said promise so made vnto him by ye said Bonham Norton as before mencõned did also some [6 words illegible] |

44.  become [3 words illegible] wch ye said Bonham Norton & ye said Robert Barker ye father in a bill obligatory of 3000li of lawfull money of England vnto one Mr Alderman Craven of London vpon condicõn for ye payment of 1575li of like lawfull English money at a day long since past wch said last mencõned bond was so entered into for 1500 principall money wch ye said [2 words illegible] |

45.  [3 words illegible] ye said Robert Barker ye father receaued by ye appointment of ye said Bonham Norton, & ye same is yet due & owing for vnto ye executing of ye last will & testament of ye said Mr Alderman Craven who is since deceased, besides some moneys due for ye forebearance of ye said 1500li for some part of ye time since ye said summe was lent And yor said [word illegible] |

46.  wch that ye said Bonham Norton did since ye yeare of or lord god 1617 contrary to his former promises made [hole, conjectural: on yt ] behalf diuerse & sundry times giuen forth many contumelious slandrous & reprochfull speeches and reports of yor said suppliant oftentimes coming into yor suppliants house & then & there euen sometimes in ye presence & hearing of yor [2 words illegible] |

47.  [word illegible] offer vnto yor said suppliant such vnsufferable wrongs & abuses as yt yor said suppliant perceauing yt his trading together wth ye said Bonham Norton in ye buying of bookes and other stationary wares beyond ye seas, and selling them here againe was ye occassion of ye ill language & vsage wch he almost dayly receaued from ye said Bonham Norton [2 words illegible] that [word illegible] |

48.  [5 words illegible] of ye said Copartnership betwene him, & the said Bonham Norton touching ye said trade, but not concerning ye office of Mats printer, yt rather, because yor suppliant  verily beleueth [hole] [---]wise he should now liue in quietnes & rest by ye meanes of ye said Bonham Norton where upon yor suppliant offerred vnto ye said Bonham Norton that [word illegible] yor suppliant |

49.  for his ye said Bonham Nortons moytie in their ioynt trading copartnership stock, & debts owing vnto them of, touching, & concerning all things whatsoeuer other than ye  office of his Mats said printer, or else he ye said Bonham Norton should buy yor petitioners moytie therin, And to yt purpose yor petitioner offerred to ye said Bonham Norton  [2 words illegible] |  

50.  [word illegible] for his ye said Bonham Nortons moytie wch said offer was so reasonable as that yor said suppliant offered to take ye like summe of ye said Bonham Norton for yoye  suppliants moytie therein, wch offer ye said Bonham Norton refused, affirming that he would sell & not buy, & that he would not giue so much to yor suppliant for his moity by some thousands and as [3 words illegible] |

51. [word illegible] for his ye said Bonham Nortons moytie although they had both equall shares & moities therein, wher upon yor suppliant being so contuinually vexed by ye said Bonham Norton as aforesaid did for ye buying of his quiett & peace offer vnto ye said Bonham Norton for his said moitie a far greater summe of money then yor suppliant would haue taken for his said moyetie viz 1300li ?in money |

52.  ?besides discharging him ye said Bonham Norton of debt of some thousand of pounds wherin ye said Bonham Norton stood bound but not  ?wth ye said Robert Barker Wch said offer ye said Bonham Norton accepted, & ye said Bonham Norton for ye consideracõns aforesaid, did promise to giue, grant, bargaine, sell, assigne & sett ouer vnto yor said suppliant all his ye said Bonham Nortons estate [2 words illegible] |

53.  [word illegible] whatsoeuer of wch to ye said ioynt stock & Copartnership, & ye debts due to ye said Bonham Norton <[insertion erased]> And yor said suppliant by reason of ye same, as also all ye moneys wch then were or from thenceforth should be in ye said ioynt stock other then ye office of his Mats printer, & other then ye ioynt stock betwene ye said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant concerning ye said office at his Mats ?printer |

54.  ye said agreement was made in ye presence & hearing of ye said Humfry Dyson who was to put ye same agreememt in writing indifferently betweene them, And yor suppliant also sheweth that ye kings most excellent Matie that now is did some yeares since by his letteres Patents vnder ye greate seale of England grant vnto ye said Bonham Norton ye office of printer to his highness his heirs [conjectural: & successors] ?of ?all books [word illegible] |

55.  greeke & lattin to be imprinted wthin this Realme, by reason whereof ye said Bonham Norton at his owne costs and charges was from time to time in imprint such of ye said bookes in ye said languages as should be allowed & commanded to be imprinted by his Matie or ye State, After wch grant so made vnto ye said Bonham Norton as aforesaid these bookes hereafter following amongst others were so [hole] ?co[mman]ded to be imprinted [words illegible] |  

56.  Bradwardines de causa Dei & ye Archbishop of Spalatoes works, wch bookes or Copies amongst other Treatises in latin & greeke so commanded to be printed ye said Bonham Norton conceaving that ye printing therof would not yeeld him any benefit but rather some losse, refused to print ye same, and he likewise refused buy such things as were fitting & necessary for ye printing of such books vnless yor suppliant would therein ioyne [2 words illegible, conjectural: wth ye] |  

57.  said Bonham Norton such was ye said Bonham Nortons obstinancy & contempt therin as that his Matie & ye State hath therwth ben [3 words illegible] <not a litle> displeased, & ye right honoble Mr Secretary Winwood in his life time requiring ye said Bonham Norton to buy some things necessary for ye printing of such like bookes by his Mats commande, ye said Bonahm Norton refused to doe ye same, Whereupon for ye ?appeasing of ye iust ?and ?pleasure of his ?law |

58.  &  of his ?hauing ?of Office of ?State & in due obedience to his Matie & ye State yor suppliant was contented to ioyne and did ioyne wth ye said Bonham Norton in ye printing of ye said bookes to yor suppliants losse, Now so it is may it please yor honoble good lop that it appeareth by a Bill exhibited in yt behalf into this honoble Court (since ye said last assignement made by ye said Barker of ye office as aforesaid) by ye said Robert Barker ye father ?against yor said Bonham Norton |

59.  & yor said suppliant & by ye proceeding ?therein & decree therevpon made that ye said Bonham Norton both at & before ye said signing of ye said articles, & likewise both before, at, & sithence ye making, sealing & deliuering of ye said assignement in Nouember 1617 professed & promised to ye said Robert Barker ye father that ye things therein & therby granted should be for ye good & benifitt of him ye said Robert Barker & his children, & that ye said Robert Barker ye father would hold ?ye |

60.  office againe or at any time wthin a yeare after ye said Assignment ye same should bereassigned thereupon to ye said Robert Barker vpon ye repayments of ye monyes disbursed for ye same, & that there should be a true account of ye maine profitt of ye said office made to ye said Robert Barker, But it did not appeare by any depositions that yor suppliant was privie to ye said trust or any ye promises so made by ye said Bonham Norton to ye said Robert Barker as aforesaid [2 words illegible] |  

61.  thereof doth manifestly appeare in ye proceedings of yor said cause that yor said suppliant was a puchasor of ye said office & stock bona fide, and that yor suppliant neither before nor at ye time of ye subscribing of ye said Articles, nor before nor at ye time of ye making, sealing, & deliuering ye said assignement did euer know or heare of any such trust or promises so made, but ye said articles of agreement & assignement were subscribed sealed & deliuered by ye said Robert Barker [word illegible] |

62.  said  somes vnto yor suppliant as ?theire deede absolutely wthout any trust confidence, condicõn or promise whatsoeuer foranything that yor said suppliant heard or knew to ye contrary, And yor said suppliant by reason of ye said promises so made by ye said Bonham Norton to ye said Barkers as aforsaid, hath ben driven to expend diuers great summes of money in defence of yor said suppliants iust title, And yor said suppliant by reason of ye said Nortons ?promises made [word illegible] ye said Barkers [2 words illegible] |  

63.  ?aforesaid is still molested & troubled & sued by ye said Barkers And notwthstanding  yt ye said decree made in that honoble Court in ye said cause betwene ye said Barker & ye said Bonham Norton & yor said Suppliant doth now onely extend, to ye said Bonham Norton: yet by reason of an agreement since made by ye said Robert Barker ye father & ye said Bonham Norton ye said Bonham Norton hath caused ye said RobertBarker ye fathr & his said sonns to make new demaunds of yor said suppliant & to ?raise [4 words illegible] |  

64.  ?namely ye said Robert Barker ye father pretends yt yor said suppliant doth owe vnto ye said Χρofer Barker about 1200li vpon an old account touching ye said Copartnership of ye said office, & also 1200li to ye said Bonham Norton vpon ye said account, wch said summe of 1200li pretended to be due as aforesaid vnto ye said Bonham Norton by yor said suppliant ye said Bonaham Norton hath assigned ouer vnto ye said Robert Barker in some part of recompence & satisfacõn of that wch was prooued against him ye said Norton [4 words illegible] |

65.  times said that he would be glad that ye said debtts might be prooued to be due by yor said suppliant, & that he would giue to any person or persons whatsoeuer 50li to proue ye same, And further ye said Bonham Norton for ye consideracõns aforesaid, or for some othr cause hath assigned or promised to assign vnto ye said Robert Barker ye father ye said couenant so made by yor said suppliant vnto ye said Bonham Norton [word illegible] Bonham Nortons having againe ye said office for ?2000li in ?case yor said suppliant ?died wthout yssue [word illegible] |

66.  manner & formes as is before mencõned And thereupon ye said Robert Barker hath to yor suppliants disrepute, and to ye much impaying of yor petitioners creditt giuen forth speaches wch are come to ye eares of yor suppliants creditors yt yor suppliant hath but an estate during his life in ye said office, And ye said Robert Barker doth demand of yor said suppliant 4000li to deliuer vp to yor said peticõner to be cancelled, yor suppliants said couenant, And ye said Bonham Norton being trusted by yor suppliant wth ye said Χρofer  Barkers ?deede of 4000li & [word illegible] |

67.  of ye said Robert Barker Χρofer Barker & Robert Barker of 5000li ye rather to encourage & ye better to enable ye said Barkers to sue & molest yor said suppliant, hath deliuered vp, & giuen vnto yr said Χρofer Barker ye said bond of 4000li, & to ye said Robert Barker, Χρofer Barker, & Robert Barker ye said bond of 5000li, so yt vpon ye whole matter & by yt word illegible <diuerse> practises & confederacies had & made by & betwene ye said Barkers & ye said Bonham Norton, ye said promises so made by ye Bonham Norton to ye said Barkers [5 words illegible] |

68.  & defraude yor said suppliant & to weary him out of ye said office of his Mats printer And ye said Bonham Norton hath diuers times since ye said couenant so made to him by yor said suppliant as afore said contrary also to his promise in yt behalf  amongst others made as is before mencõned, come into yor said suppliants house & in a most furious & violent manner hath giuen to yor petitioner many vile & scanderlous charges, as calling yor said suppliant beggar, rouge, rastall and knaue, & one yt ?was <wise ?not [word illegible] suppliants[2 words illegible]> [4 words illegible] |

69.  amongst other such vnbeseeming & reviling words and not onely so, but also hath assaulted & offered violence to yor said suppliant as taking & pulling yor said suppliant by ye beard in his yor said suppliants owne house, And furthr so it is may it please yor good lop, yt ye said Bonham Norton contrary to his said promise in yt behalf formerly made doth refuse to discharge yor said suppliant of ye said seuerall bonds wherin yor said suppliant together wth him ye said Bonham Norton & ye said Robert Barker [3 words illegible] and bound [word illegible] |

70.  Banckworth & to ye said Mr Alderman Craven in ye said seuerall summes in manner & forme as ye same in yt behalfe is before sett forth & expressed, And yor said suppliant since ye 2d day of Nouember  in ye yeare of yor lord god 1618 hath paid ye said Mr Banckworth for ye use of ye said 1000li principall money lent, 100li, & to ye executing of ye last will & testament of ye said Alderman Craven deceased for ye vse of ye said 1500li principall money lent,  150li, And ye said Bonham Norton doth [5 words illegible] |

71.  shall pay one half of ye said seuerall debtts now owing vnto ye said Mr Banckworth & to the executors of ye last will & testament of ye said Alderman Craven deceased & [word illegible] ye purpose & for ye avoyding of ye promises wch he ye said Bonham Norton hath made vnto yor said suppliant for ye discharging of ye said debtts as aforesaid he ye said Bonham Norton hath vsed diuers indirect ?to venous & subtile tricks that namely amongst others he hath caused ye said seuerall bonds so made by ?him ?ye ?said [4 words illegible] |

72.  suppliant & ye said Bonham Norton since ye first entring thervnto, to be in all their names renewed thereto hoping to defeate yor said suppliant of ye remedy wch he might haue at ye common law against him ye said Bonham Norton by reason of ye said writing & other ye promises wch he made to yor said suppliant as is before mencõned because ye said bonds so renewed doe beare date after ye said Couenant in writing & <since the time of the> promises so made as aforesaid, And such [4 words illegible] |

73.  that since ye said agreement by parcell made by & betweene yor said suppliant & ye said Bonham Norton touching yor said suppliants buying of his ye said Bonham Nortons moytie of, in, & to ye said ioynt stock & Copartnership betwene ye said Bonham Norton & yor said suppliant, & of ye monyes then remayning in ye said ioynt stock amongst other things other then concerning ye said office of his Mats printer so bought from ye said Barker and his said sonns as is before mencõned [4 words illegible] |

74.  & parcell & vse [3 words illegible] sett downe in wryting by ye said Humfrey Dyson as aforesd, ye said Bonham Norton having occassion to vse some monies, & knowing yt yor said suppliant had some monyes in his hand wch before ye said agreement by parcell did belong vnto ye said ioynt stock so passed by parcell to yor said supplicant from him ye said Bonham Norton as is before mencõned, did come vnto yor said supplicant intreating yor said petitioner to lend vnto him ye said Bonham Norton 150li of [5 words illegible] |

75.  [word illegible] handes so past vnto ye said Petitioned from ye said Bonham Nortonvpon these great consideracõns before expressed ye said Bonham Norton then faithfully promising & protesting vnto yor said suppliant, that he would well & truly repay vnto yor said suppliant all ye said summe of 150li of good & lawfull money of England at, or before ye first day of payment of ye said 5300li, so to be paid by  yor said suppliant vnto ye said Bonham Norton as is before mencõned & [5 words illegible] |

76.  [word illegible] of yor said Humphrey Dyson And ther vpon yor said suppliant hauing affyance in his ye said Bonham Nortons promise, did lend vnto ye said Bonham Norton 150li of lawfull money of England, to be repayed vnto yor said suppliant in manner & forme before mencõned, & afterward vizt ye 9th day of July last ye said Humfrey Dyson did set downe in writing by way of Indenture of Couenant ye said agreement betweene yor said suppliant & ye said Bonahm Norton [3 words illegible] |

77.  [5 words illegible]  by yor said suppliant & ye said Bonham Norton ye one to the other but in ye said  Indentures there are as ye said Bonham Norton now pretends such generall words as yt by ye rigor ye common laws of this kingdome they doe cutt off & depriued yor suppliant not onely of all remedy wch yor supplicant can haue for ye recouery of ye said 150li, but also for ye recouering of 40li, of lawfull English money owing to yor said petitioner [4 words illegible] |

78.  [5 words illegible] & enioying of diuers books printed at ye costs & charges of yor said suppliant as aforesaid, wch were made by ye Archbishops Bradwardine & Spalato <amongst others> being worth aboue 300li, wch said last mencõned Indentures of Couenants if they doe so depriue yor suppliant of ye said sumes of money & other things due to yor said suppliant as is before alleadged the same was vtterly against ye true intent & meaning of yor said suppliant & against ye said [word illegible] promisses [2 words illegible] |

79.  [4 words illegible] & Humphrey Dyson & ?hoping that he should haue & enioy all the said things for wch he paid so deare a price, & being vnskillfull in ye point of law did seale & deiluer vnto ye said Bonham Norton ye said Indentures of Couenants wherein if that be true wch ye said Bonham Norton before affirmes & challenges in yt behalf yr said suppliant is circumvented by ye said Bonham Norton <& Humphrey Dyson> contrary to [2 words illegible] |

80.  [3 words illegible] supplliants whose estate ?was also estate of diuers of his friends who stand ?enagaged [2 word illegible] doe depend vpon ye equity of ye promises, & that yor suppliant hath noe invoices to be releeved but in this honoble Court against ye said deeds so made by him vpon trust, confidence, conditions & promises as is before mencõned, and because yor suppliant hath noe meanes at ye common law to recouer ye said debt & other [2 words illegible]    |

81.  [5 words illegible] before alleadged and for yt yor suppliant cannot sufficiently proued as he should ye matters before by him alleadged against ye said Bonham Norton & ye said Humfrey Dyson, because they were for ye most part donne in priuate by & betwene yor said suppliant, & ye said Bonham Norton & Humfrey Dyson, wch yor said suppliant hopes yt ye said Bonham Norton & ye said Humfrey Dyson will confesse [5 words illegible] |

83.  [6 words illegible] by & betwene ye said Barkers & ye said Bonham Norton & the said Dyson to vex, molest, and defraude yor said petitioner of & concerning those things wch yor said suppliant hath so dearely bought, and of and concerning other ye promises wherof yor said suppliant hath not as yet sufficient notice and knowledge, but hopeth that ye said Bonham Norton & Humfrey Dyson [3 words illegible] |

85.  [5 words illegible] may then so it please yor honoble good Lop to grant vnto yor said Suppliant his Mats most gracious Writte of Subpœna directed vnto ye Bonham Norton & Humfrey Dyson, commanding them and euery to appear before yor honoble good Lop at a certaine time & place, and vnder a certaine payne therein & thereby to be ?bound & ?appoint that |

86.  [5 words illegible] seale & every ye said promises, and to stand to abide and performe such direction and order concerning the premises as to yor lop in yor greate and honoble wisdome shalbe thought meete, and to be consonant, and to stand wth equitie and good conscience And? yor sayd Supplicant, according to his bounden duetie will euer pray for yor [conjectural: Lops] long [conjectural: life].










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