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Contents Page > 1618 Chancery Petition: Robert Barker v Bonham Norton And John Bill > (1) Robert Barker's Petition

C2/JASI/B17/56   [IMAGE]




(1) Robert Barker's Petition  [Endorsed] May, 1618


To the Right Hoble:  Sr  ffrances Bacon Knight

Lord Chancellor of England


1.  Humbly Complayninge sheweth vnto yor good Lop yor Orator Roberte Barker of Southly in the parishe of Datchet in the County of Ber<uc>k Esquier lately beinge his Mats printer and havinge had the same office for tearme of his |

2.  life That whereas yor said Orator did heretofore greately affect & associate himself wth one Bonham Norton of London Esquier whoe was and is a Stacõner of London Insomuch that yor said Orator was well |

3.  contented to match his eldest sonne Cristofer Barker in marriage wth Sarah Norton one of the daughters of the said Bonham Norton and to accept of a promise from the said Bonham Norton of and for |

4.  two thowsand pounds for the marriage porcõn of the said Sarah Norton wth the said Cristofer Barker and as monie to be geven in marriage wth his said daughter Sarah Norton, and yor said Orator in recompence |

5.  of the said promised two thowsand pounds did assure vnto the said Cristofer Barker yor Orators said sonne & vnto the said Sarah daughter of the said Bonham Norton in lands & longe leases (for the Ioincture) to the yearely rents & value |

6.  of fower hundred pounds per annum or thereabouts And afterwards the said marriage was consummated & solemnized betweene yor Orators said sonne & the said Sarah Norton And yor said Orator did then giue vnto the said Sarah vppon & a |

7.  little before the said marriage manie large & liberall guifts both in mony, Jewells, gold, chaines, diamonds, apparell & other things, to the value of one thousand marks & vpwards, And yor said Orator did daielie & at seuerall times |

8.  wthin three yeares last past, giue & bestowe vnto & vppon the said Christofer Barker diuers & greate sommes of monie for his & his said wives better advauncment & mainetenance amountinge to the somme of six thowsand pounds |

9.  and vpwards And alsoe yor said Orator did place the said Christofer his sonne in the present execucõn of yor said Orators office of his maits printinge, hoapinge & expectinge that the said Bonham Norton, whoe had somme interest in somme |

10.  parte of that office duringe yor said Orators life would ayde & direct yor Orators said sunne for his best advantage in the execucõn of the said office of printinge (hee the said Bonham Norton beinge alsoe a stacioner & one of the |

11.  ancienst [sic]  of that Companie) And yor said Orator in respect of the said marriage did much relie vppon the said dealinge & faire promises of the said Bonham Norton And therevppon yor said Orator did make choice of the said |

12.  Bonham Norton & one John Bill (named by the said Bonham Norton) to make them the said Bonham Norton & John Bill Copartners in trust of the benefit of the said office for the good of yor said Orators sonne And yor said Orator |

13.  did alsoe procure & purchase the said office for the said Christofer to bee inioyed after yor said Orators decease for & duringe the naturall life of the said Christofer Barker And afterwards for the advancement of Roberte |

14.  Barker yor Orators second sonne. Yor said Orator likewise obteyned & gott a lease of & from his maite of the said office for 30 yeares to beginne & to take effect in possession ymmediately after the decease of yor said |

15.  Orator & of the said Cristofer, and the same lease was procured in the name of the said Roberte Barker yor Orators said second sonne But the said Bonham Norton & the said John Bill of London alsoe Stacõner beinge |

16.  imployed in the said office of printinge as aforesaid & perceavinge greate proffit & benefit to arise & comme thereof & beinge desirous to enrich themselues thereby & findinge that yor said Orator & his said sonne Cristofer after |

17.  three yeares experience of theire hard dealinge Wth yr said Orators eldest sonne Cristofer in Copartnership, & after that the said Bonham Norton had threatned to turn him the said Cristofer out of doores (hee demandinge |

18.  onely to see an accompt betweene them his Copartners concerninge the benefit of theire stocke) & as deepely or more deepely charged yor said Orator wth his said sonne Cristofers maintenance then before) were determined to haue noe |

19.  longer partnershipp wth the said Norton & Bill, but to make theire best benefit by sale of the said office stocke & forniture : the said Norton & bill did cunningly devise & practise how to obteyne & get the said office of printinge wholly |

20.  into theire owne hands and to discourage & divert all others from dealinge therewth, and therefore not onely concealed and deteyned the benefit and profitt of the said office from yor said Orator & from yor said Orators eldest |

21.  sonne & refused to give anie proffit accompt  or reckoninge of the said office for the space of three yeares & vpwards amountinge to the summe of three thowsand pounds & vpwards and the same was altogeather |

22.  vnknowne vnto yor said Orator for that the said Bonham Norton had  persuaded yor said Orators eldest sonne Cristofer to conceale his dealings from yor said Orator & to deale wth yor said Orator, & obteyne of him yor said |

23.  Orator to make sale of the said office vnto the said Norton & the said John Bill & vnto noe other affirminge yt yt should bee the better for his yor said Orators good & alsoe for the benefit of the said Cristofer then formerly |

24.  it had beene And thereuppon yor said Orator was perswaded by his said sonne Cristofer to make sale of the said office vnto the said Bonham Norton & John Bill (the said office wth the stocke & forniture therevnto belonginge beinge well |

25.  worth thirtie thowsand pounds to bee sold accordinge to the true value thereof [)]  wch in regard of farther promises& greate sommes of mony to bee pd & of debts & accompts to bee cleered & discharged to yor said Orator & his sonnes & for theire benefitt |

26.  by the said Bonham Norton & John Bill: the said Norton & Bill <faythfully> promised to yor said Orator & vnto the said Cristofer & Roberte yor Orators said sonnes both before & after the subscribinge of certaine articles for the said bargaine (by & accordinge to wch articles the |

27.  assignement of the said office was to bee drawne & perfected) that they would bee true accomptants to yor said Oratorr & to his eldest sonne Cristofer (to whome they were bound formerly in 4000li apeece for that purpose) of all the proffits of the said |

28.  office duringe the lives of yor said Orators <sonne> Cristofer & of yor said Orator & the longer liver of them : And they alsoe then faithfully promissed & agreed yt if yor said Orator or his said sonnes (after the finishinge of the said bargaine) wthin the space of one whole yeare |

29.  & a daie after the assignement of the said office could gett or procure anie greater somme or benefit for the said office stocke & forniture then yt they would give true accompt <vnto yr said orator> for all the reckoninges betweene them & of the said yeares proffitt of the said |

30.  office <& to discharge & paye twoe hundred and two pounds vnto some of the company of stationers wch some of the company demanded for satisfaction of imperfect books> & suffer yor said Orator and his sonnes Cristofer & Roberte to make theire best benefit thereof & therevppon, aboute the month of July in the 15th yeare of his mats Raigne yor Orator & his said two sonnes (by yor Orators appointement) did make & depute |

31.  the said Bonham Norton & John Bill theire deputies & assignes in the said office & did assigne ouer all their interest in the said office of his mats Printer vnto them the said Bonham Norton & yor said Orator (and for & in consideracõn of the somme of 200li wch yor said Orator did then stand indebted vnto the said John as the said John Bill pretended & for & in consideracõn of the somme of 200li wch the said Cristofer Barker stands indebted to the stocke |

33.  wch should appeare vppon iust accompt as both the said Bonham Norton & John Bill falslie pretended) at certaine times agreed on, betwixt yor said Orator & the said Norton & the ouerplus of the value thereof was agreed to bee pd vnto yor Orators |

34.  said two sonnes Cristofer and Roberte accordinge to the interest wch either of them had therein & in respect of a iust accompt to bee geven by the said Norton & Bill vnto yor said Orator & the sd Cristopher of the profitt of the said office vntill the said assignement |

35.  thereof & afterwards vntill the end of the said yeare prefixed And the said Bonham Norton & John Bill for the consideracõns aforesaid did faithfullie promise to performe the same. And yor said Orator farther sheweth that the said agreement was made by & betwixt yor said Orator |

36.  & his said two sonnes & the said norton (for wth the said Bill noe conference was euer had or made thereabouts) whoe made the said bargaine <both> for himselfe & the said Bill) promised & vndertooke to make an indifferent <draught> of the said assignment in paper accordinge to the said articles of |

37.  agreement & to shewe the same vnto yor said Orator at michaelmas followinge or wthin fewe daies after whereby hee might bee advised therevppon  before the ingrossinge thereof but contrary vnto his said promise & contrary vnto the trust wch yor said Orator |

38.  did repose & put  in the said Norton & Bill & especiallie in the said Norton in regard of the intermariage aforesaid, they the said Norton and Bill aboute a month <after the feast of all Saints> in the .15.th yeare aforesaid & not before, & after the second paiement should haue beene pd accordinge to the said articles of agreement |

39.  did ingrosse a longe assignement of the said <office> in .3. large skinnes of parchment (wthout euer acquaintinge yor Orator or his sonnes wth anie draught or Coppie thereof, or of anie one condicõn therein conteyned, albeit yor said Orator had diuers & sundry times sent vnto the said Bonham Norton & |

40.  John Bill for the same & brought the same) & brought the same soe ready Ingrosed togeather wth a bond of tenn thouwsand pounds for performance of Covenants vppon the suddaine to bee sealed by yor said Orator and his said sonnes, thereby to assigne the said office vnto the said Norton |

41.  & Bill wch when yor said Orator desired to haue <reade vnto him &> pervsed by Counsell, & to haue been better advised therein: the said Norton and Bill answered that they had hastie busines & they then pretended that the effect (if yor Orator would repose anie trust in them) was but onely the repeticõn |

42.  of the three patents & assignemts thereof accordinge vnto the articles wthout anie other preiudice vnto yor said Orator or his sonnes, & therefore desired yor said Orator to make shorte worke thereof wherevppon yor said Orator replied that althoughe they had ingrossed the said |

43.  Indentures wthout word illegible acquaintinge yor said Orator therewth & wthout anie pervsall by him or Councell for him yet vppon the confidence wch yor said Orator reposed in the said Norton and his former promisses hee yor said Orator would seale the same, for that he would trust the |

44.  said Bonham Norton, & soe yor said Orator & his said sonnes did vppon trust & confidence [(]& onely relyinge vppon the faithfull & iust dealinge of the said Norton & Bill) seale the said Indenture of assignement accordingly wthout readinge or pervsing of the same And the said Bonham Norton & the said John Bill |

45.  did seale the Counterparte of the said Indenture of assignement, & alsoe other articles of agreement vnto yor said Orator for the payinge of the ouerplus accordinge to the value of the said office stock & forniture wch then remayned due vnto yor said Orator. Yet neuertheles Now soe |

46.  it is May it please yor good Lordship yt wthin the space of fower dayes after the sealinge of the said agreement in yor Orators howse in or aboute the month of December in the said xvth yeare of his Mats Raigne yor Orators howse studdy & Library wherein all his bookes evidences & writings |

47.  were by casuall meanes were fired, & all yor said Orators evidences & writings therein beinge, togeather wth greate store of goods were consumed & burnt, wch the said Bonham Norton & John Bill [(]vnderstandinge & confidently presuminge yt the assurances articles |

 48.  & remembrances wch they had made vnto yor said Orator were Burnt and consumed therein & yt yor said Orator had nothinge to shewe for the monies due vnto yor said Orator & his said two sonnes:) doe not onely refuse to paie the monies due vnto yor said Orator & vnto his said sonnes according to |

49.   the agreement hereof made but very cunningly after manie excuses & delaies & <after> diuers discharges & acquitances of the said Bonham Nortons owne procurement & drawne by his owne Councell for discharge of paiement [(]of the said monies due vnto yor sd Orator) haue practiced wth diuers persons & sought vnto |

50.  them to make attachments in London of divers sommes of monie in theire hands as somme of the monies of yor said Orator & haue suffred Iudgments in the said Attachments to the greate discredit & disablinge of yor said Orator, & they haue defalted out diuers greate sommes of mony wthout the knowledge or consent of yor Orator or |

51.  his sonnes cordiably pretending the same to bee due by yor said Orators eldest sonne & whereof they were fullie satisfied & pd longe since as doth appeare vppon iust & true accompt And the said Bonham Norton takinge the advantage of the burninge of yor Orators writings doth alsoe refuse to paie the said |

52.  two thousand pounds vnto yor Orator wch hee should haue pd vppon the said contract of marriage, & was to paie .200 li. Wch was geven vnto the said Sara by one John Norton the vncle deceased. And the said Bonham Norton & John Bill doe vtterly refuse to performe the true meaninge of the said promises articles agreements or to delyver |

53.  to yor said Orator a true coppie of the said articles & Indentures, or to make to yor said Orator satisfaccõn of <& for> the wrongs afore said contrary to right & equity In tender consideracõn whereof & forasmuch as yor said Orator hath by casualtie of fyer lost all his evidences & writings wch should or might haue manifested |

54.  the contract & agreemts <made> betwixt yor said Orator & the said Norton & Bill, neither can yor said Orator readily call to mind wch witnesses were vnto the seuerall contracts & agreements & promises aforesaid & therefore cannot for want of them maineteyne anie accõn at the common lawe against the said Bonham Norton & John |

55.  Bill or either of them for the recoueringe of such moines as are due vnto yor said Orator or his said sonnes neither can yor <said> Orator in anie sorte ayde himself at the common lawe in & touchinge the promisses But yet yor Orator hopeth yt the said Bonham Norton & John Bill will vppon theire oathes |

56.  confesse & acknowledge the truth of the promisses And foreasmuch as they cannot denie but that the said Bonham Norton did agree to paie vnto yor said Orator vppon the marriage of his said daughter as afore said the somme of 2000li:, & cannot chose but confesse wch agreements & promisses were made |

57.  vppon the said  marriage, & vppon the said contracts & bargaines, And forasmuch as the said Bonham Norton& John Bill doe well knowe yt they haue not pd all the monie wch  they ought to paie vppon the said agreement, it is fit yt they should bee compelled to discouer  wht how and when they |

58.  pd such monie as they haue pd & should truely discouer  wht remaineth vnpd & paid the same And forasmuch as the said Bonham Norton & John Bill ought in equity to be compelled to discouer plainely whether the said Bonham Norton and John Bill did not deale wth yor said Orator for the said office in manner & forme aforesaid |

59.  & wht sommes of monie they were to paie <to> yor said Orator for the same & whether they haue pd the same sommes  accordingly & whether they or anie one of them in the behalfe of both did not promise to giue vnto yor said Orator & his said sonnes the vtmost value of the said office stocke & forniture therevnto |

60.  belonginge & to reassign at anie tyme wthin one whole yeare & a daye, for yor Orator & his sonnes better advantage, & to accompt for the former profitts & for the whole yeare to comme, & to discouer  wht <the valewe of> the said office stocke & furniture were, & wht they haue paid for the same, & wht benefit |

61.  and increase hath beene made thereof this yeare & they ought in equity to make satisfaccõn accordingly. And forasmuch as in regard of the losse of yor Orators writings yor Orator is not now able to declare or make manifest the truth of the promisses, nor is able |

62.  sufficiently to make it appeare whether the said Bonham Norton & John Bill or one of them did <not> seeke or procure somme person or persons to deale wth the creditors of yor said Orator to make attachments of yor Orators monies in theire hands wthout the answeres |

63.  <vpon> oath of the said Norton & Bill & for yt it is fitt yt they should discouer wth whome they dealte therein By wch meanes they haue disinabled yor said Orator to sue for <or> recouer his owne from the said Bonham Norton & John Bill or either of them contrary to right & equity |

64.  And forasmuch as the said Bonham Norton & John Bill did frame such excuses & delaies as aforesd for paiement of the monies as aforesd secretly of or longe time betweene themselues conspiringe were  vo<ver>blie to damnifie & discredit yor said Orator the said John |

65.  Bill hath geuen out and solemly protested vppon his knees yt as for Bonham Norton hee could make him doe wht hee list, & as for yor said Orator hee would breake his necke, and as for Christofer Barker he was a yonge foole & hee would |

66.  soone vndoe him And the said Bonham Norton often hath affirmed and avowed the same words. And forasmuch as the said Norton both before & after the subscribinge the articles for the said bargaine promised vnto said Orator as aforesaid that |

67.  equitie yt yor said Orator should bee releived in & touchinge the promisses. May it therefore please yor good Lordship the promises considered to grant vnto yor sd Orator the kings mats most gracõus writ of Subpœna to bee directed vnto the said |

68.  Bonham Norton & John Bill commandinge them & euery of them hereby at a certaine daie & vnder a certaine paine therein to bee limmited personallie to bee and appeare before yor good Lordship in his mats most honoble Courte of  ê

69.  Chancery then and there to answere the premisses <& every part of this bill and there & after of their particuler knowledge therein> And farther to stand to and abide such order & direccõn therein as to yor honoraable Lordship shall seem to stande wth right equitie & good conscience And yor Orator |

70.  accordinge to his bounden duty shall duiely praie almighty god for yor honorable Lordship in health & happiness long to continue.


 Laur. Hyde

Wm Tayler








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